"Oh, Hellion felt sick so I stayed to help him, he'll never drink his medicine if im not there to force him" I lied

"Oh, yeah he seems pretty childish huh?"

"Yeah.. well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me and Jay, after we drop all these off at your house of course"

"Oh! Well I can run there and drop them off real quick stay here!"

Before me or Jay can answer he takes the giant bag along with the others and runs off, 'hmm, he's pretty strong, those have to be more then 50 pounds of clothes to run that fast with'.

"Well I guess we have to wait till he gets back then"


Me and Jay both stand there awkwardly, waiting for Daniel to come running back.

'He might live far, is he embarrassed about something like his house, does he have a weird roommate?' I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to Jay



"What? I'm fine, though it might take Daniel awhile, he may live far"

We hear some steps behind us and turn to come face to face with Zoe, Mira and Zack

"Why are you guys here?" Zack started walking up to me and stares down at me

"Zack be nice! It's nice to see you guys, though y/n where were you and Hellion yesterday?

"He didn't feel well, so I stayed with him"

"Oh sorry to hear that"

"Did you guys see Daniel?" Zoe speaks up now, looking in all directions

"Me and Jay were taking him to the mall for his birthday, I didn't get him anything"

"ITS HIS BIRTHDAY! WAIT BUT I DIDNT GET HIM ANYTHING!" Zoe starts nervously wiggling around

"You can come with I guess"

"~Ooo, thank you, thank you, thaaank you~"

She went to hug me but I stepped to the side and she almost tripped on air

We kept talking for awhile and the were stopped when Daniel came running back up out of breath

"H-hey what are you guys doing h-here?" Daniel looked nervous again

"We're all going to the mall with you danny!"

"Oh okay, l-lets go!"

It's wasnt exactly a long walk but not very short either, along with chatting all around and Zach mumbling to Mira every now and then, and Zoe hanging off Daniel, and me and Jay walking in front of everyone

The large mall comes in sight and soon enough we're at the main doors. We all step in and Mira and Zoe are already wandering off with Zach following as he promises Mira he "won't fight today".

"So Daniel is there anything you like in particular?"

"Hm, no, nothing that I can think of at least"

"Okay, okay....hey do you like to cook?"

"Yeah actually!"

"Good! Let's go!"

I turn to look at Jay as me and Daniel walk off and I wave him to follow and he does shortly.

(I believe Daniel needs like a rice cooker or something right?)

After a minute or two we find a shop with a bunch of pans, spatulas, aprons that's say 'kiss the cook's, oven mits, crock pots, rolling pins and rice cookers

"Anything you need as of now?"

"Well I could use a rice cooker but I'll get that another day"

"Okay, hey you should find the others, Zach probably got in a fight somewhere"

"Oh you're right! He always gets in trouble when he says he wont!" And with that he runs off to find the missing three

"Okay, time to get some shopping done"


After I bought a rice cooker, extra set of silverware, a cookbook called "Sanjis Cookbook" and some other necessities me and Jay venture off to find the rest of the group

"Where could they be? We looked everywhere!"


"Oh you're right, we didn't check the last food stand"

We walk over to the one place we left unchecked and there they were, munching on a variety of different fried foods


"I know Jay, how dare they eat without us"

Everyone looks up and only two, Mira and Daniel, give us an apologetic look, the other two don't bother looking up at us and keep eating

"Whatever, I'll go order us something Jay, what do you want?"


"Okay, I'll be right back"

(F/f/f = favorite fried food)

I walk up to the vendor and order (f/f/f)
and order Jay a Hotteok, 'so he's got a sweet tooth too', I look back and Mira and Zoe are giggling uncontrollably

(Hotteok is a korean fried dessert)

I wait for the vendor to hand me back the fried foods and start walking back to the group and Jays face is really red and Zoe and Mira keep whispering to each other.

"Whats up?" I stare at them while placing Jays dessert in front of him

"N-nothing y/n!" Zoe answers me while Mira stares stunned

"You sure Zoe, Mira?"

"Yes!" They say in unison

"Sure, anyway after this you all ready to go? Or wanna go to a few more shops?"

"I think we're ready to go" Mira softly smacked Zacks shoulder due to him glaring at me and Daniel

"Yeah me too, wanna walk me home Danny~" Zoe starts hanging off Daniel again while I just eat and watch

'I'm hungrier then I thought, I haven't had this in so long'

After me and Jay finish our food the group gets up and makes its way out, the group says their goodbyes and I give Daniel his gift and we all make our goodbyes and start walking home in groups of two

Daniel and Zoe, Zack and Mira, and me and Jay

'Well this was a better day then I thought it would be'

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें