1. The beginning of the mess

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Well, now you will find out how we got mixed up in all this. In general. At the beginning of August, my friend & classmate, without whom I can no longer imagine my life, named Lisa found a friend in the chat bot. (p s. A year older than Lisa and me). They started talking. Or that this friend lives literally on the same street as Lisa. There are literally three houses behind.

And now you won't believe it: THE FOX AT THE BEGINNING WAS FEARED OF HIM. Yes, yes. She thought that he would rape her ^. By the way, she also told about her other friend who lives on the same street as me (p.s. and between mine and Lisina street kilometer, if not more), whose name is the same as Demitria. He is 16 years old. And he goes to her house from my street for salt. By the way, she got poisoned with watermelon and got Gastrodeodenitis. But that's another story.

Lisa began to talk to him more and more. And suddenly, she decided to meet him live. Otherwise, it feels like he lives in Sydney ^ If Lisa knew his appearance. And to be honest, I imagined him tall, sweet and talkative a boy. But in the end, only growth coincided from all this ... (p.s. I'm an intriguer, so I'll tell you about their meeting in front of me in chapter 2)

But, first, they had a meeting WITHOUT me. And then a new hero appears in our story. They went for a walk together: Lisa, Demitri and Lana. her classmate.) And as Lisa told me, during this walk, Lana began to notice some oddities in Demitri's behavior. Therefore, she hid and ran away from him. Then they were not in our area, but in the center of the city. district from the center and vice versa get by transport.) Therefore, Lisa and Lana went to a bus stop and threw Demitri.


And now it's time for a complete "gag". The second chapter will be quite long. There will be everything: Pain, sadness, support, laughter and cruelty. So you will surely like it. Good luck and love to everyone. Good luck💕

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