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I’ll tell you an interesting fact: For me, this story is still some kind of summing up, ala “what was it all about”? And it’s true. It’s just that Lisa and I are already completely confused in the chain of events. After all, this has been going on for more than a month. put everything on the shelves. Although maybe Lisa has understood everything for a long time, maybe only I need it ... SO, Okay, LET'S UNDERSTAND. ❗ By the way, for my friends and acquaintances who came to read this story, I want to say: THE NAMES you can be involved in this story.❗I hope you recognize yourself^. Enjoy reading💘 (P.s. the picture on the header of the preface fully describes my condition^)

A story of love and professional revengeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum