[27]"what kind of powers"

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Everyone in the room was laughing completely covered in the string. It lined all the furniture and floor in clumps. "Please clean up my living room" Tony chuckled. Twenty minutes later a giant ball of silly string sat on the dining room table. "It's amazing" said peter almost in a trance as he stared at it. It was fun until the feeling of your hands began to feel slightly sticky and wet from it. "Urg I'm done".
"Hey should we go upstairs and start to look through some books" peter whispered looking around him.
"Yea lets do it!"
You washed the stickiness off your hands and walked to the library as the twins began lining the shelves for anything useful. Peter walked in with handfuls of comics and set them on the table.
"Ok how should we do this?" He asked
"Well" you spoke, "maybe you could start looking through these because you know the most about them, along with cooper because you read them to. Me and Lila will look through these books on the floor"
The boys looked through comics coming across lots of weird superpowers. "Woah this person is normal during the day and becomes a zombie at night"
"That's a bad superpower. But Sarah isn't a zombie she doesn't have a liking for brains... i assume"
You looked through a book on extraterrestrials just incase, these days anything was possible. Isn't Thor an extra terrestrial? It's defined as someone not from earth or its atmosphere so anyone on Asgard would be included. That's pretty cool that you've technically met an alien. Are we aliens to them? Anyway, back to looking.

The manipulation section didn't seem to fit, she didn't appear to lift anything and she pushed Gianna with her hands to that can be ruled out.
"What about camouflage?" Asked cooper. "She could have camouflaged herself which is why you didn't see her walking towards you"
"I don't know, you said she was right next to you the entire time so even if she could blend in to the environment and sneak up on me you wouldn't have seen her next to you"
"Oh yea" he said bending his lip up
That also ruled out invisibility. There had to be one that made her next to cooper one second and you the next. Peter kept reading a comic on superhero school hoping to come across something. "How cool would it be to control fire. I suppose I wouldn't want it because I'm way to clumsy and that would be dangerous"
Everyone snickered with heads still behind books. The comics spread across the table and you and Lila sat on the floor on your stomachs. Books scattered around.

"I haven't found anything!" You sighed
"Me either its so annoying there's hundreds of possibilities in these books and then we have to determine if its even possible in our world"
"I don't know how we do that seeing as it seems impossible yet Wanda can read minds. I think we just have to assume whatever we find is possible and then watch her to see if she gives anything away"
They agreed and you all spoke out loud for a while having discussions to make it more interesting.
"This person has additional limbs that they can use could she have an extra head that cooper saw and then the rest of her body snuck up next to y/n?"
"Ok now we're getting desperate first of all if she had extra limbs they would be attached to her body not separate of that would be a different superpower but that still doesn't explain the fact no one saw her sneak up"
"Ok what about she can split herself into two?" Piped in cooper
"Ugh cooper!" Groaned Lila, "we've literally just said with the separating head no one saw her sneak up. It would explain how she seemed to be in two places at once but we would have seen her"
Everyone thought for a minute and Pete asked "what if she has more than one. Like she can separate herself into two and be invisible. That would explain how she was by cooper and y/n"
"Oh god" you groaned just like Lila did. "I really hope its not more than one that would be impossible to find out. Lets for now assume she only has one. And if we cant find one that could possibly be an answer then we'll look at multiple powers at once".
"That's a good idea. Hey guys if you could have any power what would it be. Ive just found in this book propulsion feet like Tony's suit but actually in you!"
"Ok that's awesome but would it burn your feet? And would it ever break?"
"Yea and if it did break would you go to a hospital or a mechanics?"
Everyone laughed until their faces were red. "I have no idea!"

"Echolocation would be cool or fire breath, but that would hurt" said cooper finally
"Peter basically has echolocation" you pointed out. "His hearing is so good he probably could function normally"
"Wait yea you both have superpowers you don't get to pick another!" He laughed.
Everyone quietened down for while before peter, again, interrupted the silence. "I'm reading Xmen and this guy Magneto can manipulate magnets. He can control anything metal and he's strong to so he can lift submarines! It also means he can control gravity to an extent because of the magnetism manipulation".
He turned the next page and gasped.
"What is it peter?" You asked. When he didn't answer you all crowded around him looking at the comic. It showed a blue man with yellow eyes and a pointed arrow looking tail.
"Who is that?"
"It's night crawler.... He teleports"
Everyone went silent.
"Umm that would fit right?"
Everyone looked to each other. "That could explain why she was there one second and gone the next to a different place. And the burst of wind. It shows in this book all the paper flying each time he teleports"

" i think this is our best guess so far" you said standing straight. "We wont bring it up to her yet but everyone keep and eye out for anything unusual but also don't be weird about it. And remember, don't say anything to anyone"
You all grinned and walked back downstairs happy with what you'd found.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang