He stood up "So this is some sort of homework assignment?"

"Pretty much, I'll phone that way and find out what I can, meanwhile you to what you do best detective, find out the truth"

He nodded "I'll, I'll give it a go, but I can't promise that I won't be looking down a bottle of Jack whilst I'm at it"

She was in her late sixties and her smile as warm as any grandmother "Of course Tom, its an ultimatum you use to cope with your shit... Use it"

He chuckled "Thanks Miss Yolanda, see you next week"

Outside he took a deep breath, despite the fact that Yolanda digs up old skeletons it felt good after he had a session with her.

It made him think of Angela, he was rather bit if an asshole with her even if he didn't try to, so he tried to phone her but the number was busy.

He climbed into the car and tried again, still busy, Tom started to worry, but for what? She was a grown woman and a detective on top of it, she can take care of herself.

The sun was low and this is the time his scaly contacts starts to roam the streets, might as well follow the cocaine lead now whilst he's in the car.

He set off into the concrete jungle known as Oklahoma, just driving, scanning, partially thinking of how Yolanda said that couldn't have been a wolf, the other eye he has watching for that distinct loner on the corner of streets.

In his old days as a cop he wasn't always the cleanest, turning a blind eye on drug dealers so they can easily make their money, in return they give him information about king pins, usually of rival gangs, he didn't care who they bust, as long as its a bust.

The stopped his car when the stars were out and walked, this is one of his usual streets, difference now he didn't wear blue, might as well keep ol Vicky a secret from the smugglers, he still had his Baretta for in case one gets a little too brave.

"Spike" he said and the young African American man turned to him.

"Man Snyders you'll give me a heart attack!" He said shaking his hand.

"Sorry, you know I also keep low, not only for me but you as well"

"Word man, I appreciate the mutuality"

"I'm looking for a girl, I presume she's on coke"

"Many girls come my way Thomas, you need to elaborate" Spike said lighting a cigarette.

"Blondie, apparently she's cute, I can't give more than that because she's even more illusive than you"

"Naw man! Really? I'm the king of scaly, although, thing is Thomas, my clientele works just as any, confidentiality is key"

Tom gave him a leer and he held his hands up.

"Relax bro, I know you so its cool"

"She's knew in town, I think, might be a recent client"

Spike brushed his chin "Well, a hundred bucks say I might know"

Tom lifted the bill in two fingers, Spike took it and scanned his surrounding "Now, Alison is a name I heard"

"Perfect, that's her"

"Blue eyes, she's about fifteen or sixteen, street kid, kinda"

"Nothing you just said falls in line, I have a twenty year old who worked for Monroe"

"What!? No shit!? It makes sense why the kid can afford the dope, she's a little taller than your average teen, a real woman at her age, I wouldn't be surprised if she fooled you"

Tom took out his notepad and wrote the new info "You got a location?"

Spike gave that usual chin brush and Tom slipped him another hundred.

"There's an apartment building close to Chinatown, east side, we dealers call it the bird cage, it looks like it, ring a bell?"

"Yeah, I know it, old run down paint worn flats"

"That's them, she's been seen there but I can't give a precise one, not even for a hundred bucks"

Tom pocketed his notebook "You're as reliable as ever Spike, be safe" he said and walked off.

"Is it true what happened to Moe?" Spike asked and Tom nodded over his shoulder.

"Poor bastard"

Author's note:

And Tom creeps ever closer...

Action scene next y'all...

And a shocking reveal...

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