"I said, stop it. Whether Jeongsu learns force control or not, it's none of your business." Jiwoo warned as the other two leaned towards him.

"Ha! What the hell? Who are you to stick your nose into this?"

You stepped forward, slightly pushing her away from Jiwoo. "know your boundaries, and step back."

"How ridiculous. Who the hell brought
b!stards like you?"

There was a moment of silence. You were about to reply when suddenly,

"Shinhwa did." Said a very familiar voice from behind. "We, Shinhwa, brought them. Got a problem with that?" Jaehyuk said, coming into to cafeteria.

'would you look at that, what amazing character development'

"Shinhwa's the one who brought these cocky kids?"

'...we are literally the same age'


Jaehyuk was kind of defending you and all... and yes, you were grateful but the fact that he did not deny the "cocky kids" part stung a little.

"Guess Shinhwa didn't have much of a choice. You should've at least educated them before bringing them here. They're clueless." Was his hair purple? Or was it black? You couldn't tell. Were you colour-blind? You hoped not...

"Hey, Sucheon. Are you looking down on Shinhwa right now?" Ah, so his name was Sucheon. Good to know.

"Why are you overreacting? I'm not looking down on Shinhwa, I just find this funny." Sucheon scoffed.

You slightly frowned. 'then your sense of humour is broken'

"It kinda is, I was teaching a lesson to the unaffiliated awakened one that we, Baekdu brought. And the kid that Shinhwa bought is ordering me to stop. Does that make sense to you?" Sucheon so-called clarified.

At this point, this boy was putting words into Jiwoo's mouth. And you wished you could stuff rocks into this Sucheon's mouth.

Jiwoo retaliated. It was true, he wasn't ordering anyone to do anything. "And how is that teaching him a lesson? It's just bullying."

You nodded, thinking you might need to teach this guy a lesson as well. What hypocrisy.

"What are you saying? I bullied him? When?" Sucheon sneered, then turning to Jeongsu. "Jeongsu, you tell them. Did I bully you? Huh?"

There was a moment of silence. Jeongsu looked like he was contemplating on what to say. He was hesitant, before the answer came out of his lips.

"...No." Was his final answer.

As if he had won the olympics, Sucheon smirked. "See, Jaehyuk? That punk doesn't have a clue, but he's still sticking his nose into this. That's why I find this situation funny."

It was obvious Jeongsu was lying. Everything was obvious.

You hated how pridefull this boy was. You hated his face. Why was he smiling like he won a big competition, when all he had been doing was making others feel miserable about themselves?

"You name is Sucheon, right? Do you enjoy doing that?" It was as if Jiwoo's voice went down an octave or two.

"What the hell are you saing now?" Enranged, Sucheon exclaimed.

"Do you enjoy bullying the weak...Just because you belong to a powerful group?" Jiwoo asked, which only seem to make Sucheon angrier.

"Do you want to die? How dare you..." As furious as he was, it did not match how unhappy Jiwoo was.

"I heard there's a tacit rule that existing awakened ones and groups should help new awakened ones...so they could live a proper life as awakened ones." Jiwoo stated, as if he memorised it word for word in a textbook.

"To keep this rule, the opportunity to be here was given to unaffiliated awakened ones like us...instead of other kids in the groups," Jiwoo continued.

"Powerful groups like yours did that for unaffiliated awakened ones like us who had nothing...! But you guys, are bullying those unaffiliated ones right now...because we don't have that power!" Jiwoo exclaimed.

Sucheon, furious, screamed back. "None of what you said is true, you prick!"

"how delusional," you whispered to yourself, but The boy opposite of you seemed to have heard it.

"What?! How dare–" This boy was legit going to physically start a fight. However, luckily for you and Jiwoo, Jaehyuk managed to block the hit.

"Hey, Sucheon. They're kids Shinhwa brought. I'm not letting you lay your hands on them. I'm warning you" Jaehyuk hissed.

Just before anything else goes out of hand, Mr. Jang stepped in just in time.

'...since when had he been standing there?'

"Stop!" This was probably another reason why you loved this word. "What are you doing over here?"

That was a very good question. Mr. Jang was quick to assess the situation. "You two, go back to your dorms too," He instructed, right after Sucheon and his other friends left.

"All of you, go back to your dorms...and keep practicing the force control I taught you today."

That was all he said, before all of you dispersed to your own rooms.


To our next adventure!!

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