"Do you know where our parents are?" I questioned him, feeling hungry and too shy to ask them directly for dinner. I planned to peg my mother for dinner instead.

"They mentioned going out again tonight. They left money for pizza on the bench. Still in their honeymoon phase since they technically didn't get one" he chuckled but I couldn't help but wince at his words about their relationship. I was still hesitant to be around them both when they were all affectionate and loving. I hadn't really warmed up to everyone yet and to see my mother and Kylan kissing just reminded me of how her and my father were.

I still hate my father and I think I forever will for putting my mother through all the pain she endured. I'm so incredibly happy for her now but there's still that taunting reminder of what used to be that tugs on my heart. Snapping back into reality, I realised I must've spaced off for a while as Kaleb was giving me a concerned look.

"Thanks" I replied and walked back upstairs to check on Finn before going to my room, my once starving appetite was now gone in a flash.

My heart ached watching her go up the stairs, no doubt to check on her younger brother

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My heart ached watching her go up the stairs, no doubt to check on her younger brother. I just wish we got to see an ounce on emotion from her. Since the very first day, my brothers and I noticed she was a very closed off, mistrusting person. We understood why she was the way she was but we had always wanted to have a younger sister since it was just boys in our family and once Elliana was introduced we were all so ecstatic. But much to our disappointment, she didn't speak unless spoken to and kept all emotions underneath a sorrow mask.

I remember the day that we first met the Pierce siblings. Our father had brought us into the open living room a couple hours before we were expecting them. He told us to behave ourselves, of course. He also mentioned that the toughest one to crack would be Elliana. Finn was a curious six-year-old who would be charmed within three seconds of walking into the house. It was Elliana we needed to win over.

'Be kind and polite' he said. 'But not nosy or pushy' he added. It was amusing really. He wanted us to win over Elliana in order for him to be able to fully be with her mum. Of course he already fully devoted to Cadi, there was no doubt about it. He was on the path to unlock her heart and love her forever. But one tiny little bump still stopped him from getting there. That was Elliana. I admired her for wanting to protect her mother from heartbreak.

My heart sunk when he told us what had happened to the Pierce girl's father. He had left them. All of them. He had left his loyal wife, his young son and caring daughter. All for what? 'They don't know' he said. From what he gathered from Cadi, Elliana and her father were the most mischievous of a pair and were always together. So when he left them with no explanation or goodbye, while Cadi felt heartbreak, Elliana was betrayed, stung. I don't remember much from when my mother passed. I was still pretty young. But I do remember vividly the day my father announced he was going out with someone. I remember he addressed it over breakfast quite bluntly causing Kameron to choke on his cereal. The Twins were firing questions after questions. Quite the scene.

But I was happy for him none the less. I knew he loved my mother. He always would. But she wouldn't want him to moan and groan around for the rest of his life. I'm sure Elliana had a different approach to hearing our parents were dating through. As she told us the night they got engaged, she didn't even get time to process it before getting thrown into the car to meet us.

I know she doesn't think anyone notices when she winces at the comment of our parents or moves to a room without them both in it. I'm sure none of my brothers and our parents notice but I do. That's always been my gift. I've always sorta been the quiet one in our family so I just see the little things people do. Like for example, Kameron plays with his hands when he gets anxious. My father fiddles with his old wedding band when he thinks of our mother.

And Elliana. I notice a lot about her. She plays with her hair when she's uncomfortable and feels like hiding. She bites her lip when she wants to say something but is hesitant to speak up. She also like I said winces at the comment of the newlyweds.

She thinks she has no one to talk to. But we are all here for her. I understand she's hesitant to trust us after her father left but sometimes I'd wish she'd just talk to us. I know she's gone through so much pain and I don't want her to have to keep it all bottled up inside her. She's such a sweet, caring girl and she doesn't see that. She not only protects her mother at all costs but she's the greatest big sister to Finn. She's so patient and calm around him. I think I've only seen her open up around three certain people. Her mother. Finn. And Nick.

Kameron's best friend. He's 17 just like Kian and Kane but he skipped 3rd grade. I don't know what it is about Nick but Elliana instantly relaxes around him. But ever since the wedding, he hasn't been seen back in the house. I'm assuming Kameron threatened him to stay away, even if that meant his own best friend not visiting him. On the contrary, that gives me an idea. I think it's time Nick payed us a well awaited visit. Just not to Kameron.

I love Kaleb POV's ❤️

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I love Kaleb POV's ❤️

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