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"ELLE! WAKE UP!" A voice shouted in my ear

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"ELLE! WAKE UP!" A voice shouted in my ear. "Elliana!" They shook my shoulders, which made me slowly open my eyes. The first face I saw was my English teacher, Mrs Williams. She's my favourite teacher and always helps me out.

"Late night again Elle?" She asked. "Well yeah, she was up all night complaining to me about our history assignment" Carly, my best friend, added.

I looked around and noticed we were the only ones left in the class. "Is school finished?" I asked. "Yes, so hurry up or you'll be late to pick up Finn!" She exasperated.

Oh no! I forgot I need to get Finn. I quickly gathered my things and then rushed out of the classroom with a quick thank you. Finn went to school at Stoneridge Elementary which was about 5 minutes from my high school, so I was walking fast. I finally got to the front of the school where Finn was sitting on the footpath with his bag next to him.

"Finn, I'm so sorry I'm late" I apologised, quickly helping him up. "Its okay Ellie" he smiled at me, and I smiled back at him. He took my hand in his and we started walking home.

"What'd you do today buddy?" I asked him. "Well today we read the book Charlotte's Web and then at lunch I went on the playground and played tag with my friends" he explained.

"That sounds like fun" I beamed. Finn is 6 years old and the smartest 1st grader I've ever seen. Although I might just be saying that because he's my brother.

"What about you Ellie?" he asked me, swinging our joined hands a bit. "Well I had chemistry this morning and we added different ingredients to make this giant crystal" I kid-explained to him. "Like when the dinosaurs were around?" He asked. "Yeah bud, just like the dinosaurs" I laughed.

After a couple minutes of sharing things about our day, we finally got home. I took out my keys and opened the door, just for our dog, Bear to jump up on Finn. He started attacking him with kisses and slobber.

"Down Bear" I laughed and he did what he was told right away. I told Finn to take his bag to his room while I made popcorn for us. He squealed in excitement as he raced to his room. Once he got back the popcorn was ready and he picked out Toy Story for us to watch.

As the film was coming to an end, I heard our mom's car roll up. Finn perked up at the sound of the front door opening. "Mom!" He yelled running to the door. Our mother walked into the lounge room with Finn in her arms.

"Hey sweetie, did you have a good day?" She asked me. "Yeah it was a pretty average day" I beamed. She nodded at my answer and dropped her stuff on the counter and then came back to sit down on the couch with Finn still in her arms.

"So I have some news that I would like to share with you" she started in a low tone. This made me sit up and wait for her to continue.

"I have met someone. And we have been dating for over 5 months and he has invited us to his house so you can meet him" she smiled. I swear my jaw dropped. Since when was she putting herself back out there. My mom had been single ever since my dad left the picture 6 years ago. Everyone was silent for a bit until Finn spoke up.

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