Duchess of Mandalore

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Roxanne's POV

I stand with Master Obi-wan as mum addresses the senate about Mandalore. "It grieves me to say it, but Death Watch is now a significant, deadly threat" the Chancellor states.

"Mandalore is making great strides to find the leaders of this terrorist movement. They are not powerful enough to destabilize our government. We will resolve this without conflict" mum declares. "If the Republic gets involved in our affairs it will only lead to further violence. Thus I shall reassert our position of neutrality" she states.

"Talk of an idealist" Mas Amedda says from beside the chancellor.

"No, those are the words of a pacifist and a people who have chosen non-violent action" mum corrects him.

"That may be so, Duchess. However, this message was delivered to my staff just this morning. I think you shall find it most illuminating" the Chancellor states. A hologram of deputy minister Jerec appears.

"That's deputy minister Jerec, a dear friend of mum's" I tell Obi-wan. He nods his head.

"The actions by our government have taken us into a period of civil war. To acknowledge it would be to invite panic in the streets" Jerec says.

"Duchess do you know this man?" Padme asks my mum.

"And so we hid the truth from our people" Jerec continues.

"Yes. Deputy Minister Jerec. He's a dear friend" mum tells her.

"It is more than mere possibility, more than eventuality. It is here" Jerec states.

"Stop!" mum says loudly and Mas Amedda stops the hologram. "Deputy Minister Jerec is an honorable man. He would never commit such lies to the record" mum states. "The Mandalorian government holds no secrets from its people" she states.

"That's true" I mutter.

"If only that were true" the Chancellor states. Mas continues the hologram.

"Death Watch is far stronger than we once thought. If we are to combat them effectively, we must have Republic assistance. Instead, this government acts out of pride and rejects the help of the Jedi" Jerec says.

"It's not true!" mum shouts.

"The Duchess Satine will ultimately cause our defeat. Make no mistake, Republic intervention is absolutely necessary" Jerec states.

"Somethings wrong, Jerec would never say those things" I state. Obi-wan strokes his beard in deep thought.

"This isn't right. Something here isn't right! I wish to speak to Jerec immediately" mum demands.

"Sadly, Deputy Minister Jerec perished this morning in a Death Watch bombing on Kalevala" the chancellor states. "Let us ensure that his death was not in vain. Let us commit our military might
to defending the Mandalorian people" he says.

"Defending? You mean to occupy our home. You would trample our right to self-determination" mum accuses.

"We mean to save your people" the chancellor tells her.

"You will turn our planet into a military target which will bring the war to us. Mandalore must remain a neutral system" mum states.

"The vote shall commence in the next session" the chancellor states. The session ends.

"We must speak with Satine" Obi-wan tells me. I nod my head and we left the building. Knowing my mum, she would not take this laying down. "Duchess! Satine, wait" he says and she stops. Turning to face us. "My padawan just told me what happened in the Senate" he states.

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