Cloak of Darkness: Part Two

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Qui-gon's POV

"Charges are set and will blow in ninety seconds" I tell Ventress.

"Good, meet at the ship. I'm about to free the Viceroy" she states. The comms go silent. I go to leave when a padawan appears and I curse under my breath.

Roxanne's POV

I reach the engine room. I see 327-T. "Any thing out of the ordinary?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "I'm gonna look around, get back to work" I tell him. He rolls away. I look around the engine room and notice a vent open.

"I know you're here, come out now. Or you'll be in worse trouble" I sneer as I draw my light saber. No one comes out. I take a deep breath and focus on my senses. I sense someone behind a pillar. I walk towards is silently.

I reach it and jump to the side. Swinging my saber and it meets a red one. I see a guy around my age with dark brown hair and eyes. "Who are you?" I demand.

"Just passing through, and you are a padawan" he states.

"The name is Roxanne, let me guess you are here to sabotage the ship while someone else frees the Viceroy?" I ask him.

"You're smart, I'm Qui-gon" he tells me with a smirk. "Lets see how good you are with that saber" he adds. We start to battle. Parring, thrusting, dodging, deflecting and swinging our sabers. A beeping fills the air.

"What's that?" I say confused. He looks at me wide eyed.

"Look out!" he shouts and tackles me to the ground as the room blows. I hit my head hard. "Are you ok?" he asks me as my world goes black.

Qui-gon's POV

"Hey wake up" I say shaking Roxanne's shoulders. But she doesn't steer. "Damn it" I curse, I didn't want to hurt anyone. That's Ventress' job.

"Qui-gon where are you?" Ventress demands over the comm-link.

"Engine room" I tell her.

"I'm on my way, with a jedi on my tail and possibly a padawan" she tells me. I frown there are two padawans on board? I thought masters only had one apprentice. I look at Roxanne and decide to hide her. I don't know why, but I don't want Ventress to kill her.

Once she was hidden Ventress arrives. "Where's the Viceroy?" I ask her.

"There was a minor set back, but the secret operative will free him soon and meet us at the ship" she tells me. "Why are you still here anyway?" she asks me.

"I had to hide from a couple of clones" I tell her.

"Why didn't you kill them?" she asks me. "I've killed at least half a down" she states.

"I thought you didn't want our cover blown. Or for them to stop us from crippling this cruiser. So I stayed hidden, I'm pretty sure they died in the explosion" I lie.

"Good, lets get to the ship" she tells me.

"We have an uninvited guest" I tell her seeing a Jedi Master enter the room. Ventress smirks and attacks her, cutting a pipe and blows hot steam into the jedi master's eye. She screams in pain.

"Get to the ship" Ventress tells me. I nod my head and look at where I left Roxanne. But I can't save her, or dad will be angry. I ran out of the room as Ventress distracts the master.

I run into the other padawan. "Who are you?" she demands pointing her green saber at me.

"No time for that. You either stop me or go save your master and the other padawan in the engine room. Your call" I tell her. She curses and races pass me. I race to the docked ship and get there with no trouble. I start to power up the engines.

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