Part 7 - Pillow Talk

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 Yoongi and Lacey arrived back at his place and were greeted by Sugar's meows when he opened the door. "Hold on Sugar," he said. "I have to carry your mom in."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"Oh yes, I do. It's tradition."

He lifted her up with ease and walked her in managing to kick the door closed behind him.

"Honey, we're home," he said before putting her down.

Sugar rubbed against her leg and Lacey bent down and tickled her under her chin. Sugar purred until she heard a can of food open and went running to the kitchen. Lacey followed.

"I really was looking forward to a bubble bath, but I don't think I have the energy," Lacey said.

"Let's lay down Baby. It's been a long day," Yoongi said grabbing her hand and leading her to the bedroom after locking the front door.

They helped each other undress and collapsed on the bed. "I don't even have the energy to make love on our first night as husband and wife," she said barely able to keep her eyes open.

"I promise I'll make love to you in the morning," he said. He pulled the covers over their naked bodies and cuddled up behind her holding her close.

He managed to say, "I love you Mrs. Min," before falling into a deep sleep.


After Hobi and Jewel had sex again she went to the bathroom to freshen up like she usually did. She came out full prepared to get dressed and leave when she saw him reach for her.

     She took his hand and stood in front of him while he sat on the edge of his bed

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She took his hand and stood in front of him while he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Do you mind staying over tonight?" he asked. "I don't really want to be alone."

"Sure I can," she said. "Just let me text my roommate that I'm okay."

"Okay, thanks." Hobi got up and headed to the bathroom where he stayed for a couple of minutes.

He came back and crawled back in bed where she was already waiting.

"I've never seen you like this Hobi," she said. "You are worrying me."

"Don't be worried," Hobi said. "I'll be okay in a couple of days. I just have to get my head straight and accept the realization of a few things."

"You can talk to me about anything you know."

"I know, but I'm all talked out today. I just want to sleep."

"Well can I at least hold you while you fall asleep?" she asked.

"Yes," he said. "I just don't want to lead you on. Staying over doesn't mean our relationship is changing."

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