Part 4 - Wrap it Up

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For the next couple of weeks, the media did try to harass them, but they managed to avoid them for the most part. The guys did the media rounds to promote the new upcoming video and it never failed, Yoongi was always asked about Lacey even though their staff warned the media up front not to bring up the subject and to concentrate on the video release.

They soon flew to the states for an award show appearance with Steve Aoki and a Late Show appearance with Jimmy Fallon for the premiere of their video. Lacey offered to stay with Sugar, but Yoongi arranged for JK's brother to keep her while he was watching over JK's dogs.

The night of the premiere she was led from backstage to a seat up front in the audience right before filming began. Army cheered when she walked out. She waved to them and put her hands over her heart thanking them for the lovely welcome.

The stage manager came out and said a few words to the audience giving them final instructions before announcing Jimmy. He asked them to sit tight and said it would be about 15 more minutes. He walked over to Lacey for a minute. Army could see her talking to the man but had no idea what she was saying. She pointed up to them on the balcony and continued to talk to him. He looked at his watch and said something into his handheld radio. He then motioned for her to hurry and follow him. To Army's surprise he led her up to the balcony where they were.

She greeted them and said, "Do you mind if I join you? I'm still Army and I want to witness the premiere with all of you because I'm just as excited."

She heard a collective yes and room was made for her up front.

She got bombarded with questions and comments.

"So, you really haven't seen the video?"

"Yoongi and Tae didn't tell you anything?"

"You look really pretty."

"I'm happy for you and Yoongi."

An announcement was made that it was one minute until Jimmy came out. Lacey began to get butterflies. Yoongi would have no idea she was with Army. After Jimmy gave his opening monologue, he announced his guest for the evening:

"Tonight, we have some great guest. I'm so excited! We have Pete Davidson and BTS with their world premiere new music video for Wrap Me Up! The song has already broken numerous records including their own records and I hear the video is even hotter."

The audience went nuts. It then showed a clip of BTS in the green room all doing pushups or boxing. The camera pans over to the right of the room and Pete Davidson is laying on a couch talking to Namjoon who is holding a notepad and writing on it like he's Pete's psychiatrist. Army busts out laughing and Pete smiles at the camera. Namjoon throws the pen and pad over his head and laughs.

"Wow." Jimmy said, "Looks like an interesting green room. We will be right back with Pete Davidson everyone."

A sign lit up saying Commercial Break and everyone relaxed. Lacey's phone lit up and she saw it was a text from Yoongi. Some of the Army saw the message over her shoulder and said, "Oh God! It's Yoongi! Tell him we said hi!"

"Are you seated Babe? Did you like the green room? JK came up with the idea at the last minute."

She texted back, "It was funny. Army loved it. I am seated. I'm excited," she told him without revealing where she was, "Oh, Army says hey!"

"Hey!" he said back. "I love you. Tell Army to give Pete some love. He's a funny guy. I like him."

"Okay Baby."

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