Quick Interruption

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Oh my gods. 

Thank you for over a thousand (1k) reads! As a little thank you gift, take this: 

     December 20, 2013

I found a diary and got bored, sue me. Consider this property of Alex Void now.

So, where to start

As I said, my name is Alexander Void

I suppose I have a unique name

But not quite as unique as "Xisuma Void"

Did our birth parents just give up when they looked at me??

Anyway, the sun is going down so I'm going to put this in the bag I....


     December 22, 2013

I forgot about this thing yesterday so

Hello again

I haven't ever had a journal or diary before so... Do I just tell my life story or what

Well, here I go

Me and my brother, Xisuma, were left on the doorstep of Kamar-Taj when we were (if I remember correctly) less than a year old

The Ancient One took us in and raised us, taught us magic

We had a pretty quiet life (minus some.... mishaps) until Kaecilius betrayed us

Because of him... we lost the London Sanctum and the Ancient One

Me and Xisuma plan on figuring out the whole story once we can help Bdubs, Joe, and Cleo with their powers

I'll be back, Xisuma's calling me

     December 23, 2013

Hello again

This time I remembered to do it the day after

We have a new friend, his name is Ren

He's.... Apparently part dog or wolf, none of us can tell

Bdubs has been getting better at purposely astral projecting

Xisuma keeps being a derp

I don't really know how to use diaries I'll be honest 

Here's a little hint of what goes on in Alex Void's mind. I might add more, or make it a bit of a fun thing, but take it as a little peek into the future. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy what I have planned! <3

    - CaptainMarra (is getting back to writing now)

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