Part 1 - The End

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Once upon a time, a young beautiful girl was born at the first beam of a rising sun. Her hair was shining back at the golden sky, while her cheeks were a pink halo echoing the clouds which were tenderly looking at her sleeping copper eyes.

Above her, her mother, with a graceful smile, was wrapping her arms around her newborn, as the gentle and protective woman she's always been.

« Welcome to our world, princess... » she murmured with the exhausted yet happy voice of a spouse who just gave birth to the most amazing being she had ever seen.

Not so far were standing an old couple, quietly admiring the blooming rose with emotion.

The silence lay in the vast white room, respecting the new wishes and dreams glowing around the delighted family. After a while, the grandmother, a delicate and fair woman, grows toward her daughter and the baby, with a lighting grin. Her husband stared gently at her soft approach.

She leaned on the tiny human being, whose breath was no more than a subtle breeze on a white silk moor.

« Who is that beautiful child that I have the pleasure to met ? »

Her daughter looked softly through the clear window, where dawn was still emerging.

« Her name is Aurore. » she answered in a whisper to not disturb the sleep of her little girl.

The grandmother smiled at the mention of this poetic name. She already knew how talented that child would become.

« Well Aurore, let me tell you and that's for sure, you will be the most artistic and sensible child that this world has bear. You will sing, dance, draw, write, I can see that very clearly. That is a promise I make to you. »

The pleased mother thanked her in glance, hoping to reflect how much her support and kind words meant to her.
Now, it was the turn of the grandfather to come and take a proud look at his granddaughter. With his huge grey hand, wrinkled by the time, he pulled up the blanket on the tiny girl. He grinned, and tell with a cavernous voice : « Hey, little one. How are you ? ».

His tone was tinted with a slight quaver, as the loving man has been longing for a grandchild since her daughter has been married. Finally seeing that flower, gifted to him, was the purest thing he could have ever lived, after the birth of his own child.

« I say, and I mean it... » he started to announce. « She will be the most beautiful girl of her kind. Everyone will be envious of such a pretty face and heart. She'll be remembered... »

But before he could finish his speech, a terrible, grave and dark voice suddenly growled in the corner of the room, tearing apart the magic of the moment.

« Enough of that ! She'll be as miserable as her witch of a mother ! As poor and stupid as you all ! »
The man abruptly left the shadow where he was standing. He didn't have any look or care for the old couple he passed by, to gaze at his tired and prostate wife, straight in her shivering blue eyes.

« You are proud of you I guess ? » he blustered with a voice as tough as an iced lake.

« You didn't have to come ! » she answered as coldly as him, trying to keep her calm. « If I didn't invite you, it is because your presence was not required. »

« Oh, so my invitation wasn't lost ? » he mocked her roughly. The tension was increasing in the air when suddenly, his interest changed from his shaking spouse, to the child she was holding.

« That thing... »

« Leave her alone ! » she spat in a desperate scream, waking up the baby. The cry of the little girl tore apart the last shreds of peace that remained, while her father started to shout.

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