Heck!! His whole lineage may have wiped out,but nope this leech is still intact on his place.

That's terrifying to be honest. Well Krishna cursed him so....

"My,my you are a feisty one,aren't you?" He smugly commented casually checking me out  as if it was the most fundamental thing to do.

Oh!! You female dog!!
You are so gonna regret crossing paths with the Great Adhvika Mahajan.

Feisty my foot, I am feral and cannibal for leeches like you.

If he is a leech then I am the great Vampire.

That leech was still checking me out from up and down ,I so badly want to pull his eyes out of his sockets.

Disgusting leech!!

"Oh! What am I seeing here? the famous Princess Adhvika being speechless after seeing my handsomeness and physique." That leech cockily remarked.
I internally rolled my eyes.

Oh no no!!
I was planning to make you blind, and handsomeness, Physique?
Did this leech mistook me for some blind person?
I wanted to laugh out loud at this delusional leech. And I know that I am famous .
Ha!! I am just so great that I ought to be famous!

Till now I was speechless by only two people's so far, one was Krishna, I literally wrote a whole para on his handsomeness and physique. Then was Nakul, he was so other worldly handsome that I couldn't even describe him, I so badly wanted to bring Shakespeare with me, so that he could describe that absolutely stunning and a sore to sight male.

That donkey is also delusional that he is smart and Handsome, which is no where near the reality. On the other hand if I could get his brain out of his body, then I would make more money as it's unused, I will be rich.
But for that I need a surgeon and chloroform.
I can arrange Chloroform, Krishna will bring it for me, and Dhanvik is strong enough to carry that donkey.
Surgeon is not a problem at all, my whole family are Doctor's and we have surgeons too so yeah ...

Wait, why do I think I forgot something?
It must be some useless thing as my neuron transmitters didn't pass them...

Back to my plan.
But for selling his organs I have to take him with me to 21st century. Oh!! That might be a teeny weeny bit of a problem!!
Considering the fact that I myself am stuck here.

I should discuss about this with Krishna.

I mean I will be so rich after selling all the organs of that Pervert Donkey. I know that he has to die if I want to take out his organs. I mentally shrugged not really caring about that, nevermind he was going to painfully die someday, so why not just kill him already and then sell his organs.
Great idea.

Do I sound creepy like some serial killer?

It's a win and win situation for both Krishna and me.

The Epic will be changed and I will make a shedload amount of money. Problem solved and that donkey will be of more worth than he ever was.

"It seems like I was right." That leech egoistically stated. I mentally scowled at him. He disturbed me when I was hatching such a master plan .

Oh!! Wait!
This Leech twisted my precious hand, checked me out, said that I was feisty and that his body made me speechless.

Oh this was what I forgot!!
This is not a miniscule thing.

Let's deal with him first, then I will be executing my great plan.

I fake sweetly smiled at him to the point that it was sickening.

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