Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Start from the beginning

King Kai nodded at Neptune's suggestion.

"That's probably not a bad idea."

Neptune walked over to King Kai and placed his hand on his shoulder. King Kai's antennae raised up slightly to send a better signal to Remnant. Neptune took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Weiss. Weiss, can you hear me?" Neptune asked.

Back at Forever Fall, Weiss stood up to attention. Her eyes widened as she began searching for whoever called out to her, much to the confusion of the others.

"N-Neptune, is that you?!" Weiss exclaimed.

"I'm sorry if this is a little weird," Neptune apologized. "But I'm speaking to you telepathically through King Kai."

Weiss stood still, while trying to comprehend the situation.

"T-Telepathically..." Weiss gasped.

Ruby walked up to Weiss to see if she was okay.

"Um, Weiss? Are you okay? Are you trying to talk to one of us?" Ruby asked. Soon her eyes widened. "W-Wait, you're talking with King Kai!" Ruby exclaimed, causing everyone to gather around her.

"Well, it's actually Neptune," Weiss answered. "He's using King Kai like some kind of phone or something." Weiss then spoke back to Neptune. "So, how are you? Is everything fine in Otherworld?" Weiss asked.

"Well, the three of us are fine and all... Considering that we're dead. But you might want to brace yourself for this," Neptune said. "Well, the good news is that Oren defeated Frieza, b-but-" Neptune said, before being interrupted. Weiss smiled, and turned towards her friends, and the remaining Namekians.

"Everyone, great news!" Weiss exclaimed. "Oren did it, he defeated Frieza!"

Ruby, and the other teams began to celebrate. Even the Namekians smiled at the fact that their unknown savior defeated the one who nearly killed their race. Piccolo took a deep breath and smiled.

'Oren,' Piccolo thought to himself. 'You did it, you actually did it.'

Immediately, Neptune interrupted their celebration.

"Will you guys shut up for a second and listen to me!" Neptune exclaimed. "After Oren defeated Frieza... H-He... He tried to escape Namek before it exploded, but he wasn't fast enough. He's dead." Neptune solemnly explained.

Instead of hearing gasps of shock, Neptune heard Weiss passingly tell the others what happened.

"Hey, everyone," Weiss said. "So, Neptune told me that Oren couldn't make it off Namek before it exploded." Weiss said nonchalantly.

Neptune raised an irritated eyebrow.

"Weiss, what the hell!" Neptune exclaimed. "Oren is dead, and there's no way to wish both him and Jaune back! And you're just waving that off!"

Weiss smirked and chuckled to herself.

"Well Neptune," Weiss said confidently. "I know something that you don't. All the Namekian's came back to Remnant with us, including their Dragon Balls. Also, their Dragon Balls can wish anyone back to life no matter how many times they die!" Weiss happily explained.

Back in Otherworld, Neptune began to smile at the prospect that their friends have a chance to come back.

"In other words," Weiss continued. "Oren, Jaune, and Velvet can finally come back home!"

Cardin saw Neptune smiling and asked what was going on. Neptune turned to face his friends with an excited look etched upon his face.

"Good news everyone," Neptune smiled. "We're going home, all of us. Including you, Velvet. The Namekian Dragon Balls can wish anyone back to life, no matter how many times that person died!" Neptune explained.

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