Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Vegeta had met up with an old acquaintance of his named Zarbon. Zarbon was shocked that Vegeta had grown strong enough to kill Dodoria, but was more surprised that Dodoria revealed the truth of Planet Vegeta's destruction to the young Saiyan. Unfortunately for Vegeta, Zarbon had something to reveal as well. Zarbon had a second form, one that caused him to look ugly, but doubled his power! The strength of Zarbon's power was too great for Vegeta, and was defeated. After returning to Frieza's flagship, the galactic tyrant was angered that Zarbon did not bring Vegeta back with him. And as he left, he heard Frieza mention summoning his elite special squad, The Ginyu Force.


Vegeta's Heist!


Zarbon flew as fast as he could back to the spot where both he and Vegeta had fought. It proved difficult without his scouter, but then, he spotted Vegeta! Zarbon gave a sigh of relief when he came across Vegeta's unconscious body. He quickly landed next to the Saiyan, and checked his pulse.

"Good, he's still alive. And good news for me as well. Let's bring you back to the ship so Lord Frieza can question you." Zarbon said, lifting Vegeta's unconscious body back to the ship.

After making it back to the flagship, Zarbon, with the aid of Appule, loaded Vegeta into one of the healing chambers in the treatment room. Soon, the chamber began to fill up with a teal green liquid, fully submerging Vegeta.

"Will he make it?" Zarbon asked.

Appule was checking the main console to check on Vegeta's vital signs.

"It's a good thing you brought him back when you did. A minute later and he would've died." Appule said.

Zarbon began to walk out the door.

"Well make sure he STAYS alive. Or Lord Frieza will have our heads!" Zarbon said, before walking out.

Appule continued to operate the console connected to the healing chamber that Vegeta was currently inside of.

"Zarbon gave you quite the beating pal. We're gonna be in for a long haul here. Ugh, Damn it all! If there isn't enough pressure here as it is, if I can't nurse you back to full consciousness, then Frieza will have my head on a pike!" Appule grumbled to himself.

Once the console showed that Vegeta's vital signs were stable, Appule gave a sigh of relief. He then walked in front of the healing chamber and watched Vegeta from the inside.

"Well, that does it. Nothing to do now but wait and hope for the best." Appule said to himself.

From within the chamber, Vegeta's face began to twitch. This caused Appule to look closely at the pod. Then, Vegeta's eyes fully opened! The Saiyan placed his hand on the glass dome of the chamber, then his palm began to glow! Appule backed away while screaming in terror.


In Frieza's personal chamber's, Zarbon bowed slightly, then stood to attention. Frieza continued to look out his window.

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