Chapter 8

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Crowley had information. Dean brought Bear with him just in case.

Sam was privately surprised the dog didn't start his usual growling the second Crowley walked up.

"I hear your sperm donor is getting close to a certain gun," said Crowley.

"Oooooh...nice one," chuckled Dean.

Crowley looked at him oddly.

"We haven't heard that term used to describe Winchester before,: explained Sam. It was offensive enough and described how they felt about John perfectly.

"So he's getting close to the infamous Colt. So what? Enchanting a knife is easier and it draws less attention from a cop," said Dean.

"So yellow eyes has taken notice...Coincidentally what the hell were you thinking, getting that close to his daughter?" asked Crowley to Sam.


"I caught wind from his lackeys that Meg, Azazel's bitch daughter, almost managed to snag you," said Crowley.

"Wait, Meg is...dammit, I knew I should have had Bear with me..." cursed Sam.

Crowley looked at the dog. He didn't inspire much confidence in the demon, considering he wasn't even reacting to his presence. Seeing his look, Dean snorted.

"Bear doesn't regard you as a threat because I don't."

Crowley looked incredulous.

"You don't regard me as a threat," he said flatly.

"Let's face it, we're both just using each other. I'm using you to get information that we normally wouldn't get, and you're using us to take out competition. You have no reason to try and take us out when we're doing you a favor," said Dean bluntly.

Crowley admitted he had a valid point.

"There's also the fact you aren't even trying to get on our good side, to make us trust you. We trust each other because we know that neither of us can trust the other party. It's a bit of a paradox, isn't it?" said Dean.

Crowley chuckled.

"Definitely. We get along because we know at some point that one of us will try to betray the other, all for business. Now that is some serious irony," said the demon.

"I think it's ironic that the two of you are practically friends, despite the fact you clearly have trust issues," said Sam.

Crowley and Dean both choked on their drinks.

"You think we're friends?" said Dean.

"Well yeah. Actually. You both admit you don't trust each other as far as you can throw them, but at the same time you get along better than a demon and a hunter should. You use each other without hesitation but at the same time you haven't betrayed the other party," shrugged Sam.

"Why would I betray the one demon who's given me straight answers? Especially since we're doing him the favor of cleaning out his competition?" asked Dean scrunching his eyebrows.

"And why bother betraying this idiot juts yet when I still haven't figured out what the hell is going on?" asked Crowley equally confused.

"See? You're practically friends, or at least friendly enemies. Ironic, wouldn't you agree?"

"I think we covered that," said Dean dryly.

Crowley considered what Sam had said though. Dean was the closest he had to an actual friend in who knew how long. Since before he became a demon at any rate. It was a strange feeling, and he wasn't sure he liked it.

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