In the basement

21 11 2

Episode 1
In the basement

Aaron: Guys so why are still living in here again?

Skylar: I have just told you

Vuyone: Why Aaron,why each and everyday you keep asking the same question

Aaron: To try make life normal

Caylar: How can you make life normal when you are not normal

(A book floating in the air)

Jack: skylar what are you doing?

Skylar: what's happening to the book?

Caylar: It's you, you are making the book float in the air

Skylar: how did you know that it is me

Vuyone: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (fire come out from vuyone's mouth)

(The book came down)

Aaron: Guys what is this mess, myles are you okay?

Caylar: okay this needs a total explanation or i am freaking out

Jack: caylar! (Caylar freaked out and turn jack into a stone)

Skylar: caylar what have you done

(Aaron touching a metal stick and then melt it)

Aaron: oh no! What have I done no,no,no this is not me

Vuyone: of course its you!

(Then jack break out from the stone)

Jack: caylar are you oky!.oh no what did you do to me!!

Vuyone: how did you break out from the stone,are you a wizard

(Then myles start freaking out )

Myles: What is happening to you guys? First it was skylar she make the book float in the air, then it was vuyone fire came out from her mouth and caylar she turn jack into a stone and jack break out from the stone and then you, you melt my favorite metal stick.

(Then water came out from myle's hands and their was a weird silence)

Caylar: okay now you tell us whats wrong with you genius myles (she it in a rude way)

Vuyone: They have to be something in here to tell us whats happening to our bodies? (Vuyone was searching for books)

Skylar: Whats happening to our bodies

Aaron: I think its puberty (said it in a dumb way)

Skylar: I wish mom and dad where here they would have solve this problem (skylar was worried)

Vuyone: Guys come and see whats written in this note book: "if sameone is producing weird powers that means that person is a mutants"

Aaron: That means we are

(Aaron pretended to faint)


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