Bonus Chapter

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Hey guys! I got a lot of dms asking for a sequel, but I am sorry I think I can only give you a bonus chapter for now, cause I am really busy with my finals and shifting to the US for my undergrad!!! So I am in that mood hehe. Thank you so much for loving the story as much as you did. This is the final goodbye! Don't worry, the bonus chapter is quite long! Bye<3

-First day of college.


"You really want that?" Zo shouts at me.

"Baby, I think it would be better for both of us. It's not like we are breaking up. Let's hide it for a while till we can explore our university and make new friends. It's a new country after all." I murmur, really enjoying myself.


"I want to have a brand new experience in college with you by my side but without judgements you know. I think we should act like best friends in public for now, and privately I will give you the fucking bestest sex in the world."

"I am your best friend, you dumbfuck. And your fucking boyfriend. Have you hit your head somewhere?" Ace replies holding his head, exasperatedly.

"Just for a few months babe." I reply.

I don't even know why I am pushing this idea. I just love getting on his nerves and of course he is NEVER gonna agree to it. It's just my job to irritate the fuck out of him. It keeps me breathing.

"You know what, let's do this." He says smirking.


"Y-Yeah? Are you sure?" I ask surprised, CAUSE WHAT THE HELL?

"Yeah babe" he whispers, cradling my face, pecking my lips "So I can flirt "publicly" right?" he continues showing air quotes.

"Of course you can, if you want your dick cut off privately" I punch him in the stomach, really upset and suddenly feeling pukish.

"Come on, buddy, we don't wanna be late." He shouts, swinging his bag on his back and walking out of the door, looking like a runaway model.

I am not gonna last a day.

I did last a day, actually seven days, but I am pretty sure Ace's dick won't cause he has gone out of the way to smile at every possible girl he could find, leaving them swooning. He introduced me as his best friend cum sister and I wished to knock all his teeth out.

But acting single helped cause we got invited to a party tonight. A party, I really don't want to go to cause I am dreading it.

Sasha pulls my hand away as soon as I enter. I start looking for Ace because I haven't seen him in six hours and I am pissed, horny, hungry and fucking mad.

"I have someone I really want you to meet" She grins wickedly. "He has been asking about you since you came."

She points out a blue eyed blondie, i.e. Ace's football teammate, who I had the pleasure of encountering after a risky sex escapade with Ace in the boy's locker room.


He is hot. And tall. And perfect to gain attention.

He approaches me with a smirk, probably, when he sees the inviting look I send.

Jesus Christ, here we go.

"Hey, Aliceh right?" He shouts over the music.

No. Wrong pronunciation, douchebag.

"Hi Brent right?

He smiles, it pretty but does absolutely nothing for me.

"It's Brad"

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