Chapter 19

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"Don't. Just don't say a word." I say, angrily to
Zohravar as he tries not to laugh.
"Take me to school please"
"Because I said so."
He stares at me.
"Okay because I have practice."
"I know." he says as he kisses my neck.
I don't have practice. I know he knows I don't.

He drops me as I rush inside my locker room. I know he is eventually gonna follow me inside because the school is dark and deserted in the evening. I like darkness. It gives me room to plot.

I go inside my locker room and take out my T-shirt as Zo comes in front of me.

"Hi." I say lamely.

"Hi" he takes my face in his hands and peppers kisses all over my face. It's so unlike him that I start laughing. He doesn't let me go so I push him and run, laughing.

I run outside for him to catch me when I reach a deserted classroom. The door is open and there is a lot of pleading I can hear.
I see Isaac as he stares at me when someone shoots him. Right in front of my eyes. He gives me the same look he gave both of me and Ace, the day that happened. Regret.
Then he falls and fades away.

I look at the person with a gun. It's the principal, Mr Gomez.

Ace comes behind me, picks me up, takes a second to look at the scene in front of us and takes us outside. I am holding onto him so tight that I am cutting out both our air circulation.
He places his hand on my back and rubs it softly. He glows in the moonlight as I look at him lighting a cigarette.

"Okay I am good, thank you." I say as I quickly get down and try to walk away.
The emphasis on try.

"Don't" he says, blowing the smoke into my face.

"Leave my hand. I wanna go inside and check on my friend."


"What do you mean, no?"

"You knew it was gonna happen, Star."

"Stop. You don't anything." I say moving back.

He smirks.
"You recognised him too, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You knew Isaac was the reason we were kidnapped that day."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." I shout, trying to get away from him but he doesn't let me. He takes my hand and whispers calmly "My dark devil, I know everything about you. Every thought that crosses your mind is mine."

"Did you plan it?" I ask softly.

"No" he says.

"I didn't kill him. I didn't want it to happen." I say desperately.

"You don't need to lie to me baby. Why did you want him to die?

"You know why."

Alizeh. Not Star.

"You are disgusted with me."

"No I just want to understand you. Anyway you are mine no matter how lunatic you are."
I ignore him.

"He wasn't a kid Ace. He was three years elder to us and knew what he was doing."
I wanted to question why he was in our class if he is three years elder to us. But I don't.

"Do you know why Mr Gomez shot him and in school out of all the places in the world?"

"High school is a great place to murder a soul. The deities don't care and the mortals are too busy trying to survive"
Ace stares at me and I swear he looks a little proud. Wow we are so dysfunctional.

"He killed him because they both hooked up, Isaac blackmailed him and blah blah cliche shit. I heard Gomez threatening to kill Isaac and then he cancelled all the sports classes today evening. So I put two and two together. Imagine dying over something so boring." I say, rolling my eyes.
"He died the day along with us five years ago too." and with that he takes my hand and walks me to the car.
"I don't wanna go home. I need a drink." I crib.

"I am not sure if that's a good idea Star."

"Are you protecting me Ace?"

His jaw ticks and he warns "One sleazy advance towards you from any relatively human specie regardless of sex and we are out.

I blow a kiss and say "Kiss my ass."
He chooses to kiss my lips and says "Later if you are a good girl." And I kind of regret not going home with him. Oh well.

I am three shots down. About every guy and girl are staring at us. Some are jealous and some look like they just wanna eat us up. Ace wasn't too happy that the bouncer knew me and promised to punish me later.
I am fluttering my eyes at Ace and get up to walk when he says "Can you even walk or are you shitface drunk."
I am a little hurt and crabby. He is so fucking rude.
"Stop it Ace. We can work this out. Think about the kids." I taunt and walk away.

"Fuck the kids. I will stay for the ass." he whispers softly and walks behind me putting his hands on my waist.

I grind against him for about fifteen minutes and I feel like it's the best time of my life. I can't say the same for him. However his sexual frustration mixed with his ever glowing scowl still doesn't lessen stalkerish eyes on him.

I am not even tipsy so I tell him I want to get drunk properly. I tell him it's my first time getting drunk properly.

I tell him about the time he didn't save his first drink with me and went to drink with his friends. I tell him I hid his favourite football because I was jealous. I can safely says he wasn't too happy about it. But he still just listens.
He tells me how we did actually have our first drink together when he mixed it in my juice. I shake at him unbelievably.

"It's not gonna be advantageous for me to drink with my enemy." I say.

"It's cute how you think you are my enemy. You are not on my level" he smirks.
I hate him so much.

"That explains why you want to get me drunk. You just want all my battlefield secrets."

I down three bottles at once. I am definitely not a lightweight but I can say I have felt better in life.

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