Chapter 21

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Zo pushes past me and goes to the loo. He seems angry. Well I don't think it's a good time to tell him I wiped the toilet pot with his tooth brush. Oops.

Shit. He will kill me.
"Um Zohravar?" I say in the sweetest tone I can muster.
Damn someone's on their period.
"Did you start brushing your teeth?"
He opens the door, shirtless with shaving cream all over his face. I might or might not have mixed toothpaste in it too.

He looks so cute. And Ace never looks cute. He pulls me inside and sits me on the shelf. Both his hands are around my waist and I momentarily forget how to breathe.
He leans in and I close my eyes "Toothpaste and shaving cream? You can do better."
I open my eyes. I will show him better.
"Guess your mouth isn't the only shitty place the toothbrush will go to. Literally."
He stares at me, shaking his head and pushes me out of of the loo.

I go back on the bed and hide under the covers showing him my back.
He comes behind me and says. "Never make the mistake of showing your back to your enemy."
"Well, never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake."

"You know we have to talk about Isaac sooner or later." he says.
"I prefer later."
"Alizeh." he warns.
"Do you wanna tell me about the club?" I say, folding my hands.
He gives me a bruising kiss and says. "I know you already know baby."
"I wanna hear it from your mouth."
"You can hear a lot of things from my mouth."

I push him away and say "I am not dumb so don't even I try."

"The problem is you are so much dumber than you think." This jerk.

"Do you know you could be an accused for murder in Isaac's case? You are so fucking stupid it's laughable. I can take you anywhere with a few nice kisses and cute words, remove your existence and nobody would care. Baby you think you are always a step in front of me but I am always a step behind. I know every step you take because it's so predictable and you are so gullible." He scoffs.
He kisses both my eyes as I resist the urge to knee him in the balls.

"Aw Zo this entire speech, just so I don't ask you more about your boring revenge plan." I am so fucking salty right now.

"Baby it's not that I don't wanna tell you. It's just that after I tell you, you would go along searching for answers, get caught and die. That would be a pity."
"And why is that?"
"Well I don't what you to die."
"Why." Most girls would expect a sweet answer.
"You are too fun to play with."
I show him my middle finger and stand on his window sill, to jump on the tree, when he pushes my leg. I lose my balance and close my eyes waiting to fall and break my head. Anything to save me from the humiliation of being so fucking stupid.

He holds my hand in the last second and says
"Next time if I catch you anywhere in my business, I wouldn't be the one saving. I would be the one giving you the worst possible death."

I shake his hold away "I would rather fall and die than take your help."

"Always so proud, even when you have nothing at all." He is seriously testing my patience.

He pulls me up in his arms as I struggle to break free. He locks both my hands behind me, making me push my breasts into his chest.

"Don't for a second think I care about your existence. You are the wind. A ghost. A nothing to me. You pass around, I have fun with you. You go away. I might pity you but I will still have fun with thousands more. You are replaceable." He says it with so much conviction, I almost believe it.
"Okay. Now if you would please." I gesture him to let go of me as he tries to figure out my game plan. Oh darling, you have no idea. He wants wind, I will fucking show him wind.


Star's never uncomfortable. She wears her arrogance like a crown. Like me.
But right now? She looks too comfortable with him that I am quite comfortable with killing her.
Well if this is her game, she is stupider than I thought.
We always had a rule to never include others in our war. So if she is gonna push, I am gonna push harder.

I look at Anoushka as I pass by, she takes it as a signal to walk next to me.
But Star? She fucking doesn't care. She doesn't even look up.

I sit on the cafe table as I watch her looking at Rohan like he has the answers to all her questions about me. She looks at him greedily. If I react, she would win.
I clench my fists, keep quiet and think about the fact that she is only doing it to piss me off.

They both stand up and walk away. Together. I quickly get up and walk towards them in the empty hallway as Zain follows me.
I look at Rohan to see him shaking. Pussy.

He raises his hand and says "Bro there is nothing -"
Star's laugh interrupts him. She walks towards me and whispers "Clutching something desperately, doesn't mean you keep it, it means you kill it." She kisses my cheek, winks and walk away. Unaffected. Calm. Everything I am not.

"Fuck that's so hot. I think I just came." Zain says as I dig holes into her back and look at Rohan warningly as he nods and runs away.

My phone rings and I quickly rush to the club. Star can wait.
As soon as I go inside Kabir looks at me with pity. I already brace myself for the worst.

He shows me a video of my mother in a threesome with my uncle and Alizeh's dad as bile rises into my throat. Weak. I am fucking weak.

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