Chapter 20

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She downs her fourth vodka bottle as I am still sipping on my beer can.
She walks across the table, sits on my lap and puts her head into my neck. She smells me deeply. I can't help resisting my smile.

I can almost hear how loud her heart is beating. Or it's probably mine.

"You are so beautiful" she says looking at me in awe.
Yeah definitely drunk.

"Can I bite your muscles? I always wanted to." she says. I immediately pick her up and carry her out of the stupid bar.

I put her in the car as she bites on my muscles and touches my entire body with her hands leaving her trails.

I can't drive with her like this because I would lose my damn mind so I take her to the roof top of a random apartment.

She sits down, right next to me and starts crying. It starts slowly and softly and then she wets my entire collar. I have seen her cry like this about 3 times in her entire life.
"I don't regret what happened to Isaac." she whispers in my ear as if she is afraid to look into my eye.
"I don't either" I say as I force her to look at me.
She kisses my entire face. And I literally mean every inch. It feels so
Something that only she can make me feel.

She puts her hands around my neck and latches onto my body like a baby kangaroo. I hold onto her butt as she sighs sadly.

"Why am I letting you comfort me?"
"Because I made sure you have no one else to turn to." I say truthfully. It feels like the most truthful sentence I have ever spoken in my life.

Her eyes glow in the dark with sheer anger as she digs her nails deep behind my neck. " I am lonely because of you. I have no friends only because of you. I don't even know why my parents gave birth to me. I can count on one hand about how many people would ever remember my name in this world"

"Nice claws baby. Can't wait to feel them on my back." I say as I press her toward me tightly.

She looks stunning as she rants to me.
I could look at her face all fucking day. I wish it was a legit job so I could make money doing it. I would put in all the extra hours and become a billionaire from the scratch within three months.

"Why are you always staring at me?" she asks giggling.
Is she bipolar?

"You are still staring. What do you want? she asks. You should never ask a guy what he wants.
"Everything. I want everything, and then all the things you've given away to other people. I want them back, too." I say.

She just looks ahead.

"Truth or dare" she asks.
"What is the synonym of hate." She asks whispering.
"Alizeh." I reply.

"Truth or dare." I ask.
"Truth. Brave people always chose the truth." She grins like a doll.
I kiss her teeth.
"Is it true that you were and will always be mine?" I ask.
A few seconds pass.

Her warm breath tickles my face as she finally says "It's a truth. And when you piss me off, it's a dare."

She falls asleep on me.
I would want to say this is the first time. But it's probably one of hundreds. Sometimes I really wonder how she doesn't remember where she slept and where she wakes up. Or maybe she just doesn't ask.

I get up as she clings onto me as we go to my car. She refuses to let go and murmurs some incoherent words.
"Words baby. Use your words."

"My brain and hormones are having a fight." She grins wickedly.

"Who's winning?"

"Who do you want to win?"
I don't answer her.

"I wanted to ask you to kiss me." She whispers.

"So why don't you?" I whisper back putting my hand on the back of her neck.

"You can't ask for affection, it's a reward" she says as my eyes turn wild.
I kiss her but don't tell her this isn't affection. I don't tell her this is just a ploy to win.
Because I don't know the truth anymore. And the lies? I want them to be the truth.

I tuck her into the bed as she pulls me along with her.
"Come on, sleep."
"No. I have to go"
"I know you are not gonna go. I know you are gonna watch me sleep, like you always do."
Shit. She knows. I hate to admit, it was my plan today.
It's easier to just suck up some things and never question them. This is one of those things and I have absolutely no answers for them.
I watch her sleep as her chest rises and falls back. But I know she is faking it.

"If you don't sleep right now, I will leave."
She doesn't answer.
My little liar.

I hover above her as she clenches her face tightly. So cute. Cute? What the fuck.

"Why aren't you talking?" I ask a simple question. She could answer it simply. But nothing is ever simple with her dramatic ass.

"If you want to win a negotiation, rule number one is to talk less. Show minimal interest. Let the other person sweat it." She says as she grins at me like a dork, quoting the exact words I had told her two years back.
I grin back at her like a proud idiot and hold onto her tightly till we fall asleep and maybe in my sleep too.

I wake up before her as I watch her eyes flutter. She doesn't move, just breathes in without opening her eyes. She whispers softly "Please god tell me I didn't sleep with anyone."

What the fuck does she mean? Is it a regular occurrence for her to wake up with a hangover and a guy next to her?

I wake up beside her. "Open your eyes sunshine."
"You?" And then she remembers everything.
"Did we do anything last night?"

"Apart from how you begged to fuck me. No." I am actually surprised and a little butthurt she didn't.
"Don't play games with me, Nemesis." She says pulling herself out of the blanket.

"Then don't act like a fucking toy, Alizeh."

"It's too early for this" She rushes into my bathroom. I am pretty sure she is gonna end up using my toothbrush even though there is a spare one next to it.

I go down and see my sperm donors and my dad's current bed warmer sitting together like a happy fucking family.
I haven't seen my dad in 6 months and it's safe to say I was quite happy not to. I don't wanna see him till I have everything to take him down. He looks at me and grins like the sadist he is.

"Is Alizeh home sweetheart?" my mom smiles. And I suddenly remember the day she had phone sex with Alizeh's dad. I think it was right before fucking the principal's brother.

I nod and drink a glass of water. My dad's grin sours as soon as he hears her name. Gotcha motherfucker.
"When did you decide to grace us with your presence dad?"
He ignores me and reads the newspaper. As I walk back he says " If you don't watch yourself, I would be forced to cut your all your funds."
I ignore him back.

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