He was about to stab her. 


He was a handsome guy, who was in a suit, looing super hot, with his smoky black goggles. He went near them. And his walk to OMG! Any girl could get flat...

Man1: Sir we-

SM1:  Did I ask?

Man2: N... No...S..Sir...

They left the girl. She looked at the guy with thankful eyes, mouthed a thank you and was about to leave.

SM1: Oh hello Madam!

She turned. 

Girl: WHAT?

Guy: You came into my den, got to know about our identity as mafia, why do I let you go? 

Girl: Oh mister, I didn't know that it was your den, I was being chased by some guys, so to escape them I had to come here. 

She was about to leave.

Guy: Uhmm... Let's make a deal. 

Girl: What? I don't even know you!

Guy: So let's know each other... *sighs* Come out...

He was carrying neutral expression all the time and he spoke only when necessary. 

Girl: I won't... 

He didn't say anything and dragged her outside. 

Guy: Myself Pramod Chautala, also known as devil, as you know, I am the Mafia King, and a businessman. I am not a mafia who does illegal works, so no need to hate me or get scared from me. I work as the saviour for other people who are victims of other mafias. 

Girl: Just because you introduced yourself, myself Susheela. Just Susheela. I hate my surname. I just ran away from my f*uckin' marriage, as you can see. *chuckled* I used to stay with my uncle and aunt and now I wanted to come out of that hell, and that's why I agreed for marriage but soon discovered that the guy was buying me, as a ... as a... *sighs as tears welled up in her eyes*

Pramod: I get it... It's okay... So i was talking bout a deal.

Susheela: See, I am not interested. 

Pramod: Pehle listen to me. Where will you go?

Susheela: Idk.

Pramod: So listen to me.

Susheela: Fine!

Pramod: Marry me!

Susheela: WTF?

Pramod: I mean it. See, I am not using you or something, I don't even know you properly, but actually for my business, I need to be married at this age, or else I will lose my business to my rival. And I don't want that at any cost. Plus, I am asking just for a year. Not a day more!  we can divorce afterwards. And before you ask me that why I am asking you this question, it's because you already ran away from your marriage and I don't think so that your family will accept you again!

Susheela: Why do I trust you?

Pramod: I won't touch you at all and even not let any evil eye fall on you and will protect you, no matter what!

Susheela: And what will I get?

Pramod: I will help you complete your studies.

Susheela: Uhm, okay... As I do not have any actual family and studies mean a lot to me... I am ready to marry you, but just for a year. 

He didn't reply. 

Suddenly everything went black for Susheela. She woke up in a mandap. She was shocked. She saw Pramod sitting beside her, filling her hairline. 

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