"What floor is that?", Hudson asked.

I checked the label underneath the monitor, it read "Floor 5/6".

"The fifth floor of the castle", I said, "let's hustle, I give the two we KO'd ten minutes before they wake up and raise an alarm."

We slipped out of the security room and past the castle wall, coming out on a scaffolding that ran across the outside of the actual castle structure. The metal bars were anchored into the sharp, jagged rocks below us. There was somewhat of railing that was playing host to a few sheets of OSB that looked rotted to their cores and a few blue tarps flapping violently as the wind picked up. The broads that we were supposed to be walking on were being soaked by a torrent of water pouring out of a damaged wall in the castle and they looked much, much worse than the broads nailed to the side of the scaffolding did.

"Are we supposed to walk on that?", Sozenn asked, "that don't look like I could hold a feather, much less a 350 pound man and two 5,000 pound dragons."

"The I'll go first because I'm the heaviest", I said, "Sozenn will follow and Hudson will bring up the rear. Just watch where you put your boots."

They nodded as I turned my attention to the scaffolding. I took a deep breath and placed my paw on the board. I sagged a little under my weight, but it still felt solid enough. I took another step, there wasn't any sag this time, but I could feel how rotted it was. I felt sorry for the men who worked on this. This scared me so much that I'd rather stare down the barrel of a 12 gauge.

"This is so sketchy", I said making a face, "it feels like it could brake under me at any second."

"Step by step", Sozenn said.

I made sure that I watched each paw step as a crept across the scaffolding. I came around the corner to a section about half as wide as what I had, what was worse that it was being drenched with water and looked even more rotted than what I'd been walking on. I put one leg in front of the other and crossed over as slowly as I could.

"Be careful guys", I said, "it's really narrow here and could give out at any moment."

Hudson and Sozenn nodded. It took a few more minutes of cautious walking before we finally managed to hit solid rock again. We agreed that we would never again set foot on something so sketchy and then proceeded up a long staircase to what looked like an over watch area where there were two men armed with M27 IAR's watching over the courtyard. We hugged the wall as we slunck around behind them an entered the stone castle.

It was like something out of a High Fantasy novel. The halls rose high into the air, at least fifty feet, dwarfing even the tallest Mountain Alpha. The walls were lavished with stone statues and the windows were beautiful stained glass. There were several gold lined red rugs that covered the grey marble floors and there were elegant crystal chandlers. There were hand carved twisted couloms holding up the ceiling and even they had been decorated. You could tell that this castle was reminiscent of the time when the nobility ruled and had likely played host to more than a few German Chancellors.

"I've only see stuff like this in old Sci-Fi dragon movies", Hudson said.

"Yeah", Sozenn said, "it's like something out of a video game."

"Doesn't matter what it's from", I told them, "let's find Andrews and get outta here."

I pulled up the map Nolan had given me. According to it, we were on the fifth floor. The hallway we were in was right above the sixth floor, but between here and the stairwell we needed to be at, there were several MG emplacements as well as patrolling guards.

"Were gonna go right through this wall", I said, "Hudson stick some det tape to it."

Hudson nodded and pulled the tape from his vest. He tapped a large square on the wall and then wired a blasting cap into it.

A Dragon's Tale #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now