Chapter 6: A Villain's Gift

Start from the beginning

The TNT Villain: Ace has come a long way from an unknown vigilante.

He could see that the rescue hero was going to fall headfirst into it at the rate he was going. So when he heard that Wilbur didn't have a nemesis...the pieces just fell into place from there.

So, the villain bided his time, prodding in the right places and pulling all the correct strings. He'd make it so his songbird fell right into his arms. After all, the other avian had so much potential!

Quackity couldn't stop thinking about the small crazed chuckle that had escaped the other a few days ago at the gas station. That tiny little mad laugh that the taller had tried to cover up and deny immediately.

Wilbur was just like him, and the villain adored it.

The shrike avian had to question if he could maybe provoke another chuckle like that. Maybe even a full laugh if he was lucky. That was a small explosion and barely touched the other buildings around it, he wondered what kind of reaction a bigger explosion would cause. He should start luring Wilbur out whenever he went to blow something up. He needs more of those reactions.

But for right now, he needed to take care of his songbird. He can scheme later.

Night had fallen over the city, and with it came an explosion. For once, it wasn't Quackity's doing. But he had spotted Wilbur flying towards the sound at high speeds. He spread his wings and followed, making sure to stay far enough away to not alert his nemesis to his presence just yet. He wasn't looking for trouble tonight, surprisingly.

He landed on a roof near the explosion, watching as Wilbur dove in to start rescuing people. The shrike avian narrowed his eyes at the hero's lack of self preservation. He knew that heroes typically went through some kind of training to make it easier to control their self preservation instinct, but it looks like the magpie avian had his trained out of him completely.

To whomever it was that trained Magpie. Quackity thought as he watched his nemesis carry people out of the building before diving back in. I have very strong words for you, but I promise, I just want to talk.

He was lying, he had strong words and a crowbar with the intention of having more than just a 'talk'. He hated how heroes were trained, how young they were when they started training. Hero Schools made child soldiers and Quackity hated it with every fiber of his being.

He had hated heroes with a passion for a long time now, hated them even as he worked as a vigilante. Hated how they prioritized villain captures over citizen safety, hated how they had become glorified celebrities, hated how they shined so brightly that it blinded people to the negative effects their presence had on society. People have stopped thinking for themselves, they've stopped defending themselves, they rely on heroes to do all the work for them. It's why Quackity had no problems with murdering civilians, they were a major part of the problem. They're so dependent and it's disgusting.

And yet somehow, he still liked watching Wilbur save people.

Maybe it was nice to remember that there were some good heroes out there, even if their talents are wasted on hero work.

Speaking of his songbird, looks like the rescue was winding down. Quackity hoped the other avian hadn't singed his wings again, or hurt himself at all for that matter. More heroes had arrived and started helping contain the fire from the explosion as Wilbur flew out of the building while carrying another victim of the fire. The shrike avian wondered what had caused the explosion. Typically the villains that caused those were either himself, Bee, Smile, or occasionally one of the pyromaniacs of the villain community (flip a coin to see if it's Pyro or Anarchy).

You Were Never Meant to be a Hero (Quackbur Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now