Chapter 9

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Victoria pov

Two months later

I'm finally graduating from high school. I honestly can't believe I made it to this day with everything that was happening with Jasper and me. Putting on my cap and gown, I went to my place in the graduation line.

You might be wondering how I was able to graduate with me being investigated for the picture that was posted all over school.


While we were in Thailand, Jasper got a phone call from the school saying that he needed to come back to hear the school's decision. After Jasper finished his phone, we packed all of our things and got ready to head back home.

While on the plane back home, I was thinking about all the ways that this information that the school was going to say to me and Jasper about the investigation that they didn't do on us.

Deciding not to think too much about it, I got comfortable and took a nap on the plane until we got back home.

Jasper dropped me back off at my house, which I am glad that my parents are not home, so that is a plus right there.

I went up to my room, put all my stuff in there, and got ready for bed since it was already night time here.

The next day, I woke up early to get ready to go back to school to hear the decision that the school made in the investigation. I made some toast and bacon since I really didn't have an appetite because I was pretty nervous about the result.

After pulling up into the parking lot of the school, I stepped out of my car and made my way up to the entrance of the school. The meeting was being held in the principal's office with a bunch of people.

I'm glad that it was only Saturday and I'm not doing the school week because I don't have to see people looking at me. Finally, making my way up to the principal's office, I opened the door and walked into the principal's office.

I can already see the same people from last time and Jasper is already sitting down waiting to start this meeting. Sitting down in the empty spot that happens to be right next to Jasper,

They finally started the meeting. To summarize what happened in the meeting, they couldn't find the person that posted the picture around the school, and since there was no further evidence that proved that you two are in a relationship, they

For the picture that was taken, since it was dark and at an angle, for all we know, the picture could be photoshopped. So the consequence for me was that I had to be in detention every day after school for a month and step down as captain of the basketball team.

For Jasper, his consequence was that he was suspended from work with pay for a week, and then he will have an assistant in his classroom to monitor him to make sure that this doesn't happen again. But the kicker of the consequence was that I was removed from Jasper's classroom and I had to spend that class period working in the library.

They ended the meeting and told us that we could go about our day and that they would be ready to see us again at school on Monday morning. I'm happy that I can go back to school again since I missed everything that was going on there, but I'm sad that I'm not the captain of the basketball team anymore. That's fine as long as I'm still on the team, that's all that matters to me.

As I was heading back to my car after the meeting, Jasper calls my phone and tells me to meet him at the park. I told him no because we had just gotten out of the meeting and I didn't want to give the school a reason to change their decision.

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