Chapter 7

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Unknown pov

They really think that they are secretive about their relationship. Watch when these pictures are going to be posted all over the school. They will have to come out in the public and Mr. Whitlock is going to get fired and go to jail for dating a minor. Poor little Victoria wouldn't know what was about to hit her.

I was sitting in front of my computer and printing out the picture that I took of them at the fair when they were kissing on the Ferris wheel and eating together. Having all of my stacks of paper ready with tape, I got into my car and drove to the school.

Once I got to the school, I used my key to unlock the door and started to get to work on putting the picture up on the wall of the school. Finish it up. It was almost time for school to start, so I headed back home and got ready for the surprise of a lifetime.

Victoria pov

I'm pulling up in the school parking lot, grabbing all of my stuff that I need for school today. Walking up toward the school, I noticed people whispering and looking at me weirdly. I noticed something that had me stop in my tracks. It was a picture of me and Jasper from our trip to the fair this weekend.

I didn't know what to do. I ran all the way to Jasper's classroom and hoped that he was already in there. Upon arriving to Jasper's knocking on the door, I heard him come in. Opening the door to his classroom, I noticed that he was sitting at his desk.

I walked up to the desk and asked if he had seen all of the pictures that were on the walls of the entire school. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and said that he did and we might get in trouble with the school board.

I said, "Remember what the principal said about hiding our relationship, which we did a great job at doing." Someone in the school wanted to take revenge by putting our relationship on display, which no one knew about.

I decide to ask Jasper if he has any problems with anyone at the school, like teachers, who may have some beef with you. He said that he gets along with everybody that he works with, and then he asked me the same question.

I told him that I'm pretty good with everyone except for my math teacher and Queen B, but me and Queen B had already worked out our problem. But my math teacher wouldn't take revenge on me for not doing my homework.

Soon the bell rang for first period and I left Jasper's classroom to head toward my first period class, which happened to be math with the math teacher who was mostly taking revenge on me. While sitting down in my seat waiting for the class to start, I pulled out my phone and started reading a book on Wattpad, my favorite place to read fanfiction.

The bang finally rang and class started. Mr. Barrand started to take roll for the class. While taking roll for the class, the office called the class asking for me to come to the principal's office.

I started thinking why I was going to the office other than the obvious reason for the picture, but I was trying to stay positive that it was not about the picture and that it was about something else.

Having made it to the office, they told me that I could walk into the principal's office because he was waiting for me. Once inside the office, I see Jasper and other people that I have never seen before in the school.

Sitting down in the chair, the other people and the principal started asking me questions about what was going on between me and Jasper. Do you have "Daddy issues?"

I looked at them like they were crazy for asking questions that were very comfortable for me to even answer. I just sit there quiet, not even knowing what to do or say that could make this situation better because right now it is worse.

After a while, they started to get frustrated with me because I was not answering any of the questions that they were asking me. They finally came to the decision that they were putting me and Jasper on suspension pending an investigation into the picture.

I was shocked that I got suspended for the first time in my life over a picture that someone took of us and posted around the school. We were told that we had to leave campus and shouldn't set foot back here until everything was dealt with.

Since being kicked out of school, I didn't feel like going straight home, so I got into my car and drove to the park. Once I got to the park, I put my headphones in my ear and started walking with no distance in mind.

While walking, I was just thinking, "Why would someone do this to us?" Like, what did we do to you that you have to go post pictures like that around the school?" I know me and Jasper have been very careful when we go somewhere together. We really drive to another city just so we don't get caught.

I honestly believe someone has been stalking us just so they can get something out of it. Finally deciding not to worry about it any longer, I looked up and realized that the sun had gone down already.

Walking back to my car, I decided it was a great idea to get some food to eat before I headed back home. I wanted to eat a vegan burger and french fries with some strawberry mochi for dinner.

I arrived home and noticed that my parents' car was in the driveway. I was so confused because my parents were a business and they were never home. I slowly walked into the house, and I saw both of my parents sitting on the couch in the living room.

Without fully closing the doors of the house, my parents called me into the living room. My parents were quiet for a moment until my mother spoke up, asking if I was dating my teacher.

I replied, "So what? I'm dating my teacher. It's not like you guys care about me anyway. You guys are always gone to work all the time." When will you ever realize that I'm always home by myself with no one cooking for me or making sure that I'm alright in this house?

My dad decided it was a great time to put his two cents into the conversation by talking about how I shouldn't be talking to my mom like that. Please, you guys should be coming home more often than every blue moon.

My parents didn't know what to say after a while, until I needed to break things off with my teacher, saying that it was not healthy for my mental health. The only thing that I should worry about is spending more time at home to ensure that I'm safe living alone.

I didn't want to listen to my parents any more, so I headed up to my bedroom and did my nightly routine. Once I was finished, I checked my phone to see if I had any missed notifications.

I noticed that I had several text messages and a phone call from Jasper making sure that I was alright and to call him when I got the message since he was worried about me. Calling Jasper back, he answered the phone call on the first ring.

Jasper started throwing questions at me as soon as the call connected. I had to tell Jasper to calm down and ask me one question at a time. He took a breath and asked how I was doing. I didn't answer my phone.

I told him that I'm doing ok and I just have to take a walk in the park, get some food to eat, and was surprised to see my parents come home to yell at me about dating you. Jasper commented on your return.

I repeated myself, saying that my parents finally came home to talk about him, and then I left and went to my room. Jasper asked if I was okay with everything and my parents being back home.

Asking Jasper what he is planning to do now that there is an investigation going on to see if it is true that we were dating each other and the person who took and posted the picture all over the school wall.

Jasper told me not to worry too much about it and if it comes to him getting fired from his job, he will be okay with it. He just worried about me because it is my senior year and he wanted to see me graduate from high school.

I was really touched by what Jasper said to me. Let's hope that we can convince the school board that someone at the school has beef with one of us. Until then, I told Jasper that we needed to find out who was behind this whole mess.

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