It was later on in the day that we decided that we wanted to eat out in the town. We went to Phuket Old Town for some Thai food. It was very delicious. I had moo hong, which is slow-cooked pork belly stew, and oh eaw, which is a Phuket shaved ice dessert.

After eating, we took a walk through Phuket Old Town, looking at all the shops that they have. I brought a lot of stuff there so I could take it back home with me to remember this wonderful trip so far.

It started to get late, so we decided it was best to head back to the house. Once back at the house, I went up into the bedroom and got ready to take a shower and go to bed.

The next morning, I woke in a very comfortable bed that was not mine until I realized that I was in Thailand. Getting out of bed, I went to the bathroom to freshen up, and once I was finished, I smelled something good.

Walking to the kitchen, I see Jasper in front of the stove cooking breakfast. This is something that I can definitely get us to. He walked behind Jasper, giving him a back hug and placing a small kiss on his bare back.

He turned around and kissed me on the lips and told me good morning. He told me to sit down at the table and bring a plate of food that included bacon, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, with a side of fresh fruit and orange juice.

We ate breakfast in silence until it was time to go out. Jasper took me out on a yacht for the day, and it was very fun. We went jet-skiing and parasailing while eating fresh seafood from the ocean.

We stayed in Phuket for a couple of days before moving to Bangkok to hang out there for a while. Bangkok is such a beautiful city. I love that we got to visit the temple and the floating market that they have there.

The night life in Bangkok is truly amazing. Everyone is so nice and the food is so unbelievably delicious. I would be very willing to move all the way to Thailand if I got the chance to learn the language and learn more about the culture.

I never want to leave this country. Jasper took me to the Siam center, where they have a lot of stores to shop at, and I bought a lot of clothes from there. At one point, me and Jasper decided to go watch a movie at the Siam Center.

The movie was very good to watch. After the movie, we went to the food court to get some food to eat. It started to get dark outside, so we went home for the night and did more of the stuff that we had planned for tomorrow.

It was the next day and also our last day in Bangkok before heading to Chiang Mai to hang out in the mountains. We went to this place that does facials and massages for the body and let me tell you that it was so relaxing that I didn't know that I needed a massage until I did it.

We ate dinner at the boat type restaurant that is on the water, and you can get a nice view of Bangkok. The was amazing. It was buffet style, and they gave us drinks as we boarded the boat, and they played traditional Thai music, which is such a vibe.

Today is finally the day that we headed to Chiang Mai, where they have an elephant sanctuary. That is what Jasper told me.

We took a plane to get there. Once we got to Chiang Mai, we got a taxi that took us to this beautiful homestay. I love that the homestay gives you a sense of an indoor camping experience; it's beautiful that you are in nature with the mountain.

For dinner that night, we went and visited the Khao Kha Moo Chang Phueak (Cowboy Hat Lady) for some mango sticky rice and chicken satay. I went back to the homestay and went to sleep because I said that we were going to visit the elephant sanctuary the next day.

I'm so excited to be able to get an up-close experience with an elephant. The time went by so fast that it was already morning and we were eating omelets and rice for breakfast.

We arrived at the elephant sanctuary and the director of it took us to where they make the food for the elephants to eat. Seeing how the elephant is made and learning how the elephant ended up at the sanctuary is a very tasty experience.

It was sad what the elephants had to experience in their lifetime. I'm glad that the elephant sanctuary is giving them a safe place to live and enjoy life. After making the food for the elephant, we got the chance to go and feed the food.

One of the elephants that I was feeding threw the food back at me, but it turned out that it was beaten and became blind in one eye. Once we were finished at the elephant sanctuary, we went back to the homestay where the host took us to the rice field.

The host taught us how to pick rice for the rice field, and it was currently harvest season in Thailand for rice. I'm going to truly miss Thailand. It was the best two weeks of my life and I am glad that I happened to experience it with Jasper by my side.

He really helped me forget about what was going on back home. He really is an amazing person. I'm happy that I got the chance to meet him.

Forbidden love (A student/teacher relationships)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora