In Which: Mai Gets A Wake-Up Call

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Day Nine


The Koku Inn

Mai pretended not to notice how Bou-san paused behind her, staring down the hall towards Ayako's room, as she unlocked her door. Attempting to be less obvious than the monk, Mai's gaze flicked towards a room a few yards down: thirteen. There was no light shining beneath the door.

They're not back yet.

Shivering in her wet dress, Mai forced herself to move inside.

Mai almost groaned at the smell of food that hung in the air, her hand coming to her stomach. The culprit, the plastic bag of delicious festival yakitori that Bou-san had bought her, sat on her night stand.

Seeing Mai's tortured expression, the monk clucked his tongue, crossing over to inspect the bag.

"I bring you a nice meal, and you ditch me."

Mai really did groan in regret as she watched the monk drop the spoiled food in the trash.

"I'm sorry Bou-san, but I couldn't miss this chance."

He shrugged, but there was a gleam in his eye.

"It's fine. I get it. It's not everyday you get a dinner date with Naru."

Mai pulled off her drooping flower crown, flustered.

That Bou-san.

"It was not a date."

When the monk didn't argue back, Mai glanced over at him to see that he was busy looking over a piece of paper left on her nightstand. Mai recognized it as the note she had hurriedly written before leaving that night.

"Wish I had found this sooner, I was worried sick about you."

Guilt stirred in Mai's chest.

"Bou-san—" she began, stepping towards him, another apology ready on her lips, but the monk features suddenly shifted to something almost teasing,

"That's okay. It just means you owe me one, and I'm cashing in right now. I want every detail of from this date of yours— but first go change. You're shaking like a leaf."

Relieved at the lightened mood, Mai returned his smirk by sticking out her tongue. She rummaged through her bag for something to sleep in, muttering under her breath,

"It was not a date..."

Five minutes later Mai emerged from the bathroom, face washed, teeth brushed— and blessedly dry in set of pink checker printed pajamas. It was her only pair left. Another reminder.

It's our last day.

Leaving the dress Niko had gifted her hanging to dry, Mai approached her bed, finding Bou-san already lounging on it. The monk, laying on his stomach, had abducted one of her pillows, which he stuffed under his boxy chest, to prop himself up on.

Mai sat down and scooted herself back to sit against the headboard.

"Do you even fit in your bed?" she asked, noticing the monk's long legs dangling off the end.

The monk scoffed.

"It's a close thing. I even thought about trading John places for the night."

Mai smiled through a sudden yawn at the thought.

"Hey, none of that. Don't go falling asleep, you've got beans to spill."

The monk, his elbow now propped on the pillow, his hand cradling his jaw, was looking at her so expectantly, eagerly Mai felt dimly as if she were having a teenage sleepover, the two of them staying up late to share juicy gossip.

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