━━ chapter 18

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get your shit together so I can love you

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get your shit together so I can love you


Uncomfortable silence settled across the long dining table. The sound of silverware clinked against dishes. Celeste, for the first time in her life, was seated at the head of the table. Evan was seated on the opposite end; he was the farthest from her, but looked straight at her with each chance he could take. Celeste could hardly bear it.

"So!" Mrs. Rosier decided to start. "Do we have any timeline for the wedding so far? Evan, dear?"

Evan smiled directly at Celeste. "I'd like to be married as soon as possible."

Mrs. Malfoy placed her hand over her heart. "How romantic! It's not often such a perfect love can be found during these times. Perhaps the wedding can be right after you both graduate. What about you, Celeste?"

Celeste felt like throwing up. She forced a smile. "We should give it some time, at least until after graduation. It's a large adjustment, after all. A few months at the most. We need more time to make arrangements since we'll be in school before."

"I agree," Mrs. Rosier smiled warmly. "There's nothing to be rushed. Everything should proceed as smoothly as possible."

This news did not comfort her in the slightest. She had barely a year until she would be married.

"Celeste, dear," Mrs. Rosier continued. "I happened to hear that your birthday is next week! How fortunate! It's not everyday a girl becomes of age. Will there be a celebration of any sort?"

She twisted her fingers under the table and smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Rosier. I'm very pleased that you know. My mother and father plan to host a ball for it. Invitations should be sent out soon."

Mrs. Malfoy nodded, smiling happily along. "It'll be the most marvelous thing in years! Miss Avery's was disastrous, wasn't it?"

Mr. Rosier laughed. "I couldn't even imagine it, at first! A half-blood invited? It was astounding that they weren't branded as traitors!"

Something sparked in Celeste's mind. It was the most rebellious thing she'd ever planned. And she loved it.

Chuckled spread across the table. Selene offered just a smile. Celeste offered nothing.

Mrs. Rosier let out a sudden gasp. "I'd almost forgotten. Have you heard about the Black's yet?"

A sickening feeling settled in Celeste's gut. Her hands balled up tightly, crushing the fabric of her gown in them.

Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy inched forward in interest. Even Selene couldn't help herself. Evan looked up curiously.

Purebloods loved their gossip. Any sort of scandal usually meant that their reputation in society would rise up when another was knocked down.

Mrs. Rosier had a wicked look in her eye. She looked like she wanted to laugh. Or even cackle. "It's no surprise he turned out this way, really, but another one of them has been burned off!"

She meant that someone had been burned off the family tree. Disowned. And Celeste knew damn well who it was.

Mrs. Malfoy let out a mix between a laugh and a scoff. She covered her mouth. "Oh, goodness, my apologizes! Do go on - who was it?"

"Why, Sirius Black of course!"

There a beat of silence. Then, out of the blue, roars of loud laughter echoed across the room. Evan was chuckling. All the adults were in fits of laughter. Selene looked unsure. Celeste felt sick.

"They're trying to cover up as much as possible, as one would do," Mrs. Rosier continued. "But rumor has it that Sirius showed up bloody and unconscious on the Potter's doorstep! Poor Walburga and Orion! I can't imagine what they must be going through."

"I agree," Mr. Malfoy added. "But it's best not to extend the ball invitations to them, don't you think? Can't have that until the dust settles down."

"Yes, of course," Mrs. Malfoy agreed. "Anyways, have you heard that Hogwarts is having their annual ball again? Evan and Celeste will be the talk of the school!"

And just like that, Sirius was dismissed from the conversation. Celeste wanted the night to end already.

"Why, we must go select new robes and gowns for the two of them! They should have nothing but the most stunning for that night!" Mrs. Rosier exclaimed. "Oh, I remember it like it was yesterday!"

"It was marvelous," agreed Mrs. Malfoy.

The conversation dragged on for another hour. Celeste smiled till her cheeks hurt and agreed with everything like the perfect daughter she was supposed to be.

When the Rosier's finally left, Mrs. Malfoy smiled proudly and stroked Celeste's hair. "I can't have asked for a better daughter. You'll make this family very proud."

Joy filled Celeste's heart. She loved and longed for approval. "Thank you, mother," she managed to say. "There are a few friends of mine from Hogwarts that I'd like to invite to my ball, if that's alright."

"Are they purebloods? And none of the traitors?"

Celeste smiled. "Of course."

Of course not.


double update? who is she??

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