━━ chapter 7

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there were sirens in the beat of your heart

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there were sirens in the beat of your heart


"What's going on?" Celeste asked a random fifth-year student.

A crowd huddled around a bulletin board in the Gryffindor common room, swarming for a glimpse of something.

"Quidditch team," he mourned. "I didn't make it. Wanted chaser, you know..."

Curiosity overcoming herself, she slipped over to the already scattering group and scanned the sheet of parchment for her name. Beaters... Frank Longbottom & Sirius Black...Seeker... Jenna Stevens... Chasers... James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, and.. Her breath caught and her face dropped. She hadn't made the spot. 

She shrugged the feeling off and straightened herself. Shame and embarrassment were a sensation that she experienced too much these days. She hated it. 

"Didn't make the spot?" a new voice behind her suddenly said.

"Sirius," she said stiffly. "Yes. I ... I didn't make it."

"Shame," Sirius said regretfully, fighting back a pleased look. "Well, there's always next year."

Celeste gave him a pointed look. "This is our last year of school. But whatever, it's fine. My mother would probably disown me if she found out. She says it's—"

"—dirty and unladylike," he guessed.

"Yeah," Celeste admitted. There was a pause of silence. "You know we really need to talk about—"

"No," Sirius interrupted, firmly. "Besides I can't — I won't. Not because you're awful, but because I won't be forced into a marriage. Not like this."

"This is an alliance," she reminded him. "Do realize how important this is to my duty to my family? Even more for you!"

"I couldn't care less about my family line," he spat. "Everything is arranged and planned out! I don't want that life. Maybe you do — but I certainly don't. Just call it off. We'll be better off."

"Try," Celeste snapped, fixing him with a steely glare. "It's not a lot to ask for."

"You realize they just want an heir from us, don't you?" Sirius growled. "That's asking for nearly everything."

"I don't care!" she yelled. "Unlike you, I'm not willing to get disowned! My family loves me!"

He scoffed and lowered his. "They'll love and adore you until you step a toe out of line. You'll see."

If Celeste had an answer for this, she didn't voice it. She watched Sirius turn away and stride away to James. Fury burned and raced through blood, raging and hot.


Sirius threw himself onto the couch and glared at Celeste from a distance. Everything about her was infuriating. Celeste Malfoy and her stupid, perfect hair and her awful musical laugh rang out across the room as Marlene cracked annoying jokes. And the way she would wink at Alice in class and cause an uproar of giggles. 

She was aggravating.

"Poor Paddykins is angry," James sang loudly, reaching out to ruffle Sirius' hair. "Sitting here, throwing a silent tantrum."

Sirius swatted the hand away. "Don't touch the hair," he said bitterly.

"Alright," James sighed. "What happened?"

"Women, of course! They are awful and infuriating. And... confusing!"

"Women?" James said, surprised. "Well, you never have that sort of problem unless—" A wide grin began to spread across his face. "Unless this is about Celeste."

"Wha— no, Prongs, no!" Sirius scrambled straight up at once.

"I understand," James shushed him. "And good for you! It'll be awfully hard, since half of the school pins after her, but we can figure this out! Of course, it took me years to woo Evans but we can—"

"No, Prongs I don't like her," Sirius waved his hand dismissively. "She's infuriating."

James smirked. "And what exactly about her is so.. infuriating?"

Sirius huffed. "I don't know, everything! Her stupid hair and laugh and the way she smiles —  it drives me mad!"

There was a beat of silence before James erupted with laughter.

"No," Sirius said miserably, covering his face with his hands. "I can't like her. I've never liked anyone before."

"Lighten up," James laughed. "She isn't a bad person."

An awful pit of dread settled in him. He wanted the satisfaction of not obeying his family, but seeing a new perspective of marrying Celeste did not look terrible anymore. For years he had imagined her to be wicked and vile and all cruel things. Now he had learned that just like himself, there were strays in the Malfoy name as well. His cousin Andromeda would adore her.

Now he looked again across the common room to Celeste. She sat perched on a floor cushion, laughing at what Marlene and Alice had told her. When she spoke, there was a lovely twinkle in her eyes, as if they were her personal stars.

In a stolen second, they locked eyes.

Nerves shot through him like electricity — like he had been struck with great bolts of lightning. She stood out from the room; too perfect, too divine to be possible.

She was ethereal. 

Sirius stared, utterly mystified and alarmed.

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