O Stars, Recount the Events of This Night

Start from the beginning

EMIYA (Archer)

"It only has a single use. Make the best of it."

Immediately after, he starts to fade into blue particles, flying into the air just like Gilgamesh and Lancer both did, yet, he never broke eye contact with Kiritsugu.

Right before he was completely taken away, he cracked a smile as bright as the sun. Ruby grabbed Excalibur mid-air, a look of sorrow on her face as she inspected the sword.

Assassin immediately turned back to Kotomine. 


"Move, kid. There's not much time left."

His cold behavior may seem rude, but it is necessary. Kotomine's plan has come into fruition. Despite Lancer's warning, he's practically won. It's time to stop him before he gets any further.

Ruby followed, before stopping at a certain point in front of Kiritsugu.

The priest is alerted to the sound of their footsteps, turning around, a wide frown on his face.


"I see how it is. Even all of Atlas Academy falling on your heads wasn't enough to put you down. Well, then. Child, perhaps you want a death similar to his."

Kotomine's hand extended towards the Grail's mud, taking a handful of it.

Normally, it would melt through his flesh, but given the fact that he had a heart made of this stuff before, it didn't have any effect on him.


"I'll give you Kiritsugu's death!"

Assassin's eyes widen as Ruby stood there, stunned. The priest hurled the mud at her, but Kirtsugu tackled her to the ground. In exchange for his instinctive act, he got hit by the mud instead. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be doing much to him, for the time being that is.

Grabbing her by the hand, he guides her behind a cover, leaning against it.


"Emiya! I'm so sorry, I should have dodged-- Are you okay?!"

He started to cough, placing a hand on his stomach.


"No... I know what the mud feels like. This is different. It's effects on Servants are different."

Great internal pain. Thoughts of violence, even against Ruby.

Vividly remembering his dream of choking her to death.


"Damn it...! I can't...! You should shoot me..!"


"What the hell are you saying?! Why?!"


"The Grail's mud... I think..."

He suddenly reached for her throat without warning, but she managed to back away in time. His body moved on it's own. He would never attempt something like that against her.


"I can't control my body anymore. It must be controlling me...! Not even Avalon can reverse a curse from the mud, let alone this... just... do IT!"



She whimpered, covering her eyes.

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