The Beginning of Yule

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**Harry's POV**

The front doors to Malfoy Manner were thrown open as the Dark Lady walked in. Draco had gone ahead of the Dark Lady and the rest of her guard were with their families for the holiday. As Harry walked in, his mask in place, a Death Eater had appeared in the entryway. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The Death Eater drew his wand, pointing it at Chaos.

"Where is the Dark Lord at? I need to speak with him." Chaos ignored the Death Eater's question as he continued into the living area of the manor.

"Who are you?" The man asked again.

"Chaos?" Cedric had walked into the room. The Death Eater just looked confused.

"Where is the dark lord? It is urgent. If I don't speak with him soon, someone might just die today."

"He is in a meeting my Lady." With that, Chaos went up the first flight of stairs to where the meeting room was.

Without lifting a wand or casting a spell, Chaos' magic threw open the doors, everyone looking at him as he stormed over to his lover.

Now standing in front of the Dark Lord, Chaos turned on his heels, eyeing Lucius. Chaos took a deep breath before speaking, "Lucius, I would like to know the name of the person who hired Delores Umbridge please." Chaos tried to sound calm, but everyone knew he wasn't.

"I-I did m-my Lady."

The Dark Lady approached the blonde, both hands behind his back. "Look at me Lucius." The blonde looked up at the boy in front of him, much to Tom's distaste. "Am I pretty?"

Lucius didn't know how to respond, because whatever he was expecting, it wasn't that. "O-Of course you are p-pretty my Lady."

"Yes, my hair is soft, my body has curves in the perfect places, my eyes are a beautiful green. I also have perfect skin. Don't you agree Lucius?" The blonde nodded, his eyes focused on Chaos. "So, I think you would understand why I'm so upset, and why I am very unhappy." Chaos held his hand out, only Lucius being able to see it.

Lucius looked at the Dark Lady before him, hoping that he could die right then and there.

"Do you want to know how this happened Lucius?" Lucius shook his head, scared that it would be from the pink woman that he suggested teach. "Well, I will tell you anyway." By now, the Dark Lord was from his seat, making his way to his lover. Harry spoke as Tom furiously examined his lover's hand, the piercing Avada Kedavra eyes still on the eldest Malfoy. "Ever since the first day of school, I have been in the detention of Delores Umbridge." Harry paused before speaking again. "Would you please explain what a blood quill would do if it is continuously used?"

"I-If a blood quill is used r-repeatedly, then it will leave s-scarring or be able to k-kill someone."

"Bravo Lucius." Tom now had his arm twisted around his lover's waist as he also stared at his right hand. "Honestly, it's a miracle I'm not dead right now." The room looked horrified, all of them finally catching on. "So, Lucius. I am assigning you a task because I would hate for there to be a scar on my hand. If you don't remove Delores Umbridge and find me a spell or potion to reverse this scar by the end of the year." He paused. "I would hate to see my godbrother burying his father. Wouldn't you, Lucius?" Everyone was silent as the Dark Lady left the room.

Tom followed his Chaos and upon reaching the door he spoke, "Meeting dismissed. Also, Lucius, you may be my right hand, but no mercy is shown to those who cause my Chaos pain." With that the Dark Lord left, and the rest of the room fell silent.


"Why wasn't I informed that all of this was happening?" Tom walked towards his lover, his arms twisting around the small waist.

"Well, I had it handled. Plus, I was healing quickly, so it would take a lot more of the quill to kill me. I was fine." Chaos loved the concern of the Dark Lord, but he could also take care of himself.

"Chaos, you could have died!" (You could have been seen!) Chaos pushed himself away from the tall, handsome man as he stormed from the room.

Chaos ran until he ended outside of a door. Draco's door. Chaos opened the door and fell face first onto Draco's bed, not realizing that Draco had company.

"Why is Harry Potter lying on your bed Draco?!" Blaise blurted out. Chaos looked up. He hadn't realised that he had forgotten to remove his glamour and place his mask on his face.

"Because he's hiding me from the Dark Lord. Oh, and he's fucking me." Harry mumbled. Draco's two best friends looked utterly shocked.

"Shut the fuck up. We both know that I am not fucking you."

"Oh yeah, because you're fucking the twins. That's right."

"Harry!!" Draco grabbed a pillow that was in his arms and threw it at the raven-haired boy. "What are you even doing in here anyways?"

"Me and Tom had a fight. It wasn't big, but school has made me too tired to deal with all of this shit." Harry now had his face buried in one of Draco's pillows.

"Well, you can return to him now. I don't think he would enjoy you saying that someone else was fucking you. Even if he isn't around."

"Why? You scared he's going to kill you? I wouldn't let it happen."

"Right, because you have so much more power than him." Draco's sarcasm had now kicked in.

"I do. Plus, anything I want, I get. If I wanted the world, I'd get it. The universe? Mine."

Draco shook his head as Pansy spoke up. "What the hell is going on here? You could get in so much trouble for hiding Harry Potter in your room!"

Draco sighed. "No I won't. The Dark Lord and my parents are all aware he's here. I'm not even hiding him. I have no clue why he's in here."

"I'm in here because I'm tired and don't feel like dealing with the shit of an overprotective Dark Lord." Chaos turned onto his back as he spoke. "And because I wanted to see what Dragon was doing." Chaos rolled back onto his stomach.

"For all you knew, I could have been with the twins in here." Draco defended.

"No you couldn't have. They're with their family right now." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Well, me and my friends are busy. Could you please go bother someone else? Cedric hasn't seen you since summer."

"Fine. Also, if any of you tell the Dark Lord what I said about Draco fucking me, you will all beat yall's parents to the grave." At that, Chaos walked from the room to meet with Cedric.

1126 words!! I am finally done though!! Also, please go read my new book The Hogwarts Heir! Well, goodbye for now!

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