The New Teacher

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I climbed into the same carriage as Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. Only four could fit in a carriage, and before Neville could climb in, Ginny hopped straight in and sat next to me.

"Oh Harry, I missed you all summer." Ginny had both her arms twisted around my arm, and I sat there, not feeling like dealing with her. "Did you miss me?"

No. Is what I wanted to say. Instead, I just looked at her and smiled, "Of course I missed you." The smile plastered on my face was fake, but Ginny couldn't tell, luckily, as for she was now leaning her head onto my shoulder. I wanted to shove her out of the carriage, but I had a reputation to keep. I sighed in relief as I saw the castle gates.

We climbed from the carriages once they arrived in front of the school and headed up the stairs. Once we reached the front doors of the school, with Ginny still hanging on my arm, we walked into the Great Hall and made our way over to the Gryffindor table.

We took our seats and waited for the rest of the school to fill. Once everyone was seated the doors flew open revealing McGonagall and the first years. She led them over to the stoll with the hat atop it. The sorting had begun.

Once everyone was sorted and at their respectful tables, Dumbledore had stood. He walked up to the podium and cleared his throat. Everyone fell silent. "Good evening students," his voice rang out as he spoke. "A couple reminders and rules set by Mr. Filch before we began our dinner." All of the first years, and other years, were looking at Dumbledore with so much admiration it made me sick. "First, I would like to note, that the Dark Forest is forbidden to any students." He continued on with a list of things that Filch had made before concluding the speech. An ugly fake cough was then heard from the head table. My eyes flew to the figure.

Everyone turned their head to look at a pink toad. She was hideous honestly. I mean, I thought that Dudley was ugly, but this, was an abomination. She wore all pink and her hair was short and brown. She had a pink bow in her hair, which didn't fit her look, and her face looked like an absolute toad. I felt like was going to vomit just by looking at her.

"Ah yes students, this is the new DADA teacher, Professor Umbridge." He went to continue, but the ugly animal walked up to the podium, Dumbledore moving out of her way.

"Hello, like the headmaster has already said, I am the new DADA teacher for this year. I am here on behalf of the ministry to make sure that everyone has a safe and logical year with my class." Her voice was high pitched, and she sounded sick almost. No one clapped for her like they usually did for the new professors. The only ones I ever did clap for were Remus and Hagrid.

"Well, let the feast begin." Dumbledore said before making his way back to his seat at the center of the head table.

"She is hideous, isn't she Harry?" Ginny had her head on my shoulder as she looked up at me.

"Yeah she is." I agreed with her. I was actually being honest though.

"I didn't know they allowed toads to work at schools, much less the ministry." Ronald was stuffing his face as he said this. Hermione elbowed him, and he straightened, taking bites in smaller proportions and eating much slower.

"Well, I don't think we have to worry about being killed this year." Hermione said, pulling one of her books from her bag and eating herself.

I nodded and then started eating my own food.

Once dinner was over, we all retired to our rooms, and I laid in my bed. I pulled my curtains closed and sat on my bed for a bit reading. It was around midnight when I set the interesting potions book into my bag and finally fell asleep. Classes were beginning in the morning.

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