Chapter 14 Part Dos If I'm still alive when you see me...

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Delirious POV

"I can't believe you did that to me Cel!!" I told her, turning and hugging her once more. "Jon, I'm not that big of a bitch. I respect everyone and everything. You could be a serial killer and I'd still love you!!" Cel said, laughing.

Evan's POV

I was looking at phone cases for my phone when I could see Delirious hugging a girl with red hair and brown eyes. I couldn't help but feel jealous. She had the Apple uniform, so I was wondering why she was hugging my Delirious. Once they pulled away, I started getting closer to them, and I swear I heard something like 'I love you' coming out of her mouth. I walked behind Delirious and hugged him from behind. I put my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Hey Evan this is my bestfriend since Pre-K. Her name's Celeste." He said, motioning his hand towards her. "You can call me Cel, and Jon you never told me VanossGaming was your boyfriend!! How cool is that?! I've seen you game with him but I never knew you guys were a thing!! How cute! Don't worry Evan, I don't fangirl often." Cel said, laughing. Maybe she wasn't a bad person after all. "Yeah we're a thing now. We're happier than ever!!" I said kissing him on the cheek once more. "So about my phone..." Delirious had started. "Oh yeah, I'll be right back." With that, she walked off. "So you've known her since Pre-K, aye?" I said, looking at him. "Yeah she was the one who no matter what happened, she was always there for me and she was always by my side."

Cel's POV {Surprise Muddafucka}

I can't help but feel so happy that Jon has found happiness due to all the shit he's been through. But he doesn't know what I've been going through while he's been gone... I had grabbed an iPhone 6 Plus and went to a table and motioned for them to sit down. "Okay here's the phone. So, since the phone itself can't function, we'll need to log in to your carrier account so you can do the data transfer such as your contacts and emails. Your pictures will be saved to your apple account, accessible by computer. So, here's the iPad, feel free to log in to your carrier account. I'm going to get the transfer device and SIM card ready. When you're done, come to the back counter." As I finished saying that, I got a SIM card compatible for the iPhone, and got the data transfer device ready. At this point, I was waiting for Jon and Evan. A few minutes later, they showed up with the iPad. "Here you go, Cel." Jon said, handing me the iPad. I hooked up the iPad with a wire and connected it to the SIM reader. Once the transfer was done, I put the card into the phone. I put the phone into the box, and took it to the checkout center. The two men followed as I did this. "Here you go, all you need to do is set up the phone, which isn't hard. Here's my number call me sometime so we can game together." I said, smiling, I wrote down on a piece of paper, '000-000-0000, 1234 Gamer Lane, __ 12345' and handed it to Jon. "Bye Cel, see you later." "Bye Cel, nice meeting you!!" They said, smiling and waving goodbyes. 'If I'm still alive when you see me...'
590 words above !!! I finally updated again !!! Bye lovely shippers !!!!

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