"Yeah," she confirmed with a nod.

   I finally let a smile settle on my face before letting determination set in, "Alright, I'll do my best but I'm going to need some help."

   "You can count on me," Sabrina said. A warmth embraces my heart, knowing I won't have to do this all alone.

   After all, I have my best friend by my side.

   "Okay, who can we help first to start my era of being a better person?" I muttered to myself, scanning the classroom for any potential victims. My eyes land on the reporter nerd—er, Alya, sitting by herself with her nose stuck in her phone. Marinette must have moved somewhere else to do her project so she wouldn't get distracted.

I hum, letting the idea sink in.

   "She looks like she could use some assistance," I thought.


Alya's P.O.V

I've been trying to research anything else I can find on Mallorie. I've found a few more articles about her hot wiring a car, stealing from stores, and vandalizing all sorts of things on the streets. Yet, none of this explains Mallorie's intentions for why she wants revenge.

From what I've learned so far, this might not even be revenge. This just might be her being plain evil or wasn't raised right. She probably was moved to multiple different houses back in America.

Although, there was one entry that did catch my attention. Apparently, she was a part of a gang at one point. The article explained how she was the only one found in a burning building caused by her and a few others. Witnesses saw them enter the building before it went up into flames minutes later. And they watched some silhouettes flee the scene.

"Did they abandon her there?" I questioned in my mind, somewhat absorbed in the mystery of Mallorie's past.

   A shadow looms over me and the sound of something slams on my table. I look up to see Chloe with her hands on my desk and looking down at me.

   "Hey, los—I mean, Alya. I was wondering if you could use some help?" Chloe asked, removing her hands and standing straighter. Sabrina stood off to the side with a smile and holds up two thumbs.

   I raise an eyebrow at the blonde. Help me? Chloe? This has to be some sort of trick. There is no way in a billion years that Chloe Bourgeois would help anybody except herself.

   "Is this a part of one of  your schemes?" I questioned a bit annoyed.

   "What? No," she exclaimed, frantically waving her hands, "I want to help you with...whatever you're doing! I promise! No schemes or plans or anything mean!"

   I glance over toward Sabrina who nods in confirmation. I return my eyes to Chloe and blink. Is this...true? No! It has to be a trick...right? I don't want to fall for any more lies...not again.

   "I'm not falling for that," I replied, coldly, "I don't want your help. I'm trying to do something important and I don't need any distractions. I don't want to be involved with whatever you're planning."

   "But Alya-"

   Chloe holds up a hand, silencing the redhead. Chloe gives a small smile, "Okay. Sorry for bothering you. We'll head back to our seats. Sabrina, let's go."

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