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Okay, guys and gals! We made it!

The final chapter!

I hope you enjoy!!


Marinette's P.O.V

The class clapped as Juleka shyly returned to her seat.

It's been a few days since Mallorie was deakumatized and a lot has happened since then. I'm honestly surprised I managed to finish my family project on time (even though we were given a month to do it).

Although, many things happened from after receiving this project to presenting it. Last night, I redid a lot of the question Miss Bustier gave us in the middle of the project because my answer didn't sound right anymore. Not when I have a new perspective.

"You did a wonderful job on your family project, Juleka," Miss Bustier complimented, marking down Juleka's grade on a clipboard, "Alright, Marinette. You're up next."

I grabbed my papers and headed up to the front of the classroom. I stood in front of everyone, scanning them for a moment.

Adrien's seat was empty. It has been for two days which isn't much of a surprise.

Then, I spotted Mallorie sitting in the back where Lila used to sit. She seemed to be paying more attention to whatever she was fiddling with in her hands than to the presentations.


A week ago...

I grabbed ahold of Mallorie when the entire sphere and panel disappeared, leaving us dangling in the middle of the Eiffel Tower. I began to lower us down until we safely returned to the ground.

   The sun had just begun to rise from the horizon, marking the end of darkness that engulfed Paris. Citizens, who had been struck by Mallorie's power, were looking around in confusion about what had just happened before continuing with their day.

   "Bye bye little butterfly," I said, releasing the innocent insect. It fluttered away into the sky. I returned my attention to Mallorie, standing beside me with her arms wrapping around herself. She had mixed emotions etching her features, seeming unsure about everything that had gone down.

   I reached out to comfort her but my miraculous started to signal my last remaining minute.

"Stay here! I'll be right back," I quickly told her before racing off to detransform in the closest spot I can find. I found a pretty secluded alleyway seconds before my transformation dropped. I caught Tikki once she began to reform and fall from exhaustion.

"Tikki, are you okay?" I asked, pulling out a macaron from my purse. She gave me a weak smile, gladly taking the offered sweet.

"I'm just really tired," she explained, letting out a yawn. I wouldn't blame her for being worn out. It was a long night, even I can feel my adrenaline start to waver and a sluggish feeling starting to creep over me.

But I have to stay awake.

There is much that needs to be discussed when we find dad.

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