Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer

Start from the beginning

You woke up soon after but Dr.Morbius was gone, leaving you exactly where he had you pinned down on the bed and as you sat up you felt just as bad as before, having no idea what to do now. Yes, you would be most likely protected by Asgard being Loki's Soulmate and all but what of the others, what of Miles and his Mom, what of Peter and his Aunt May as well as the many other superhero friends you had and their civilian families? You were back right where you started, but this time you couldn't see a way out, the more you thought about it, the more upset you became and soon you were in tears. Before you sunk down too far into your sadness it occurred to you what happened the last time you freaked out really bad, so while you did your best to hold back your tears, you put on the rest of your gear and headed out. You didn't know where you were going but you knew you couldn't stay here, you couldn't endanger the others with your powers so you took off, leaving all on your own, you didn't even take Pharaoh with you, a mistake you'd live to regret. You obviously weren't thinking, but running away to prevent others from getting hurt was one thing, but going outside at night while your hometown was filled with vampires was another matter entirely. You didn't care though, you were too upset, so instead of crying and letting your powers go out of control, you were tearing through countless hordes of vampires, leaving nothing but the ash and smoke of the undead in your wake.

You had been at it for a while now, nowhere near tired or showing any signs of slowing down, you were too hyper-focused on the task at hand, giving little concern to anything else. You even ignored anyone calling you from Home Base, to the point you took out your earpiece, accidentally breaking it as you put it away in one of your pouches but you didn't actually notice that until later. It was too long until the person they sent out after you found your location, as although they could no longer track you with your earpiece, your powers were still trackable, thanks to Mr.Stark. But, Amadeus did have a little trouble locating you at first seeing as you weren't using too much of your powers so any energy spikes were on the weaker side and far and few between. Of course, with you being as focused as you didn't notice Blade right away, actually, you didn't even realize he was there until after all the vampires in the area you were fighting were defeated. As much as Blade wanted to chew you out for being reckless and running off to fight vampires on your own he figured it would be best if he waited until the coast was clear for the moment, even taking out several vampires himself. 

The second you were done fighting Blade came over and started yelling at you, demanding to know why you thought it was a good idea to run off and fight vampires all on your own. Your brain was still focused on fighting vampires so you had a hard time listening to Blade, even looking his general direction was a bit of a struggle, finding yourself fidgeting with your fingers as you let the Dhampir shout at you. Blade demanded to know what possessed you to come out here and go all one-man-army on them, as it was beyond dangerous, even for someone like you, but by his tone, there might have been more to it than that. Blade expected your answer but you struggled to find the words, but the more he got in your face, the harder speaking became and soon you were yelling too. "I'm upset and I'm using my upset feelings in a productive manner instead of sulking and or possibly destroying the Triskelion and all of you guys", you yelled, all awkward and tense, your voice even cracked at one point, it was really embarrassing. You then turned away, excusing yourself before walking away to go fight more vampires but Blade wouldn't let you leave, which only upset you further.  

Your argument went back and forth for a little bit but eventually, you had enough and just took off your mask, getting right up into Blade's face, staring him down as you told him to leave you be. You could feel Blade's glare from behind his sunglasses, but you continued to maintain eye contact, determined to get him to cave and give in, so he'd leave you alone. It had been less than a few minutes of staring until Blade asked what was bothering you, even less time for you to crack and admit you couldn't talk about it or else he'd, but you caught yourself before you said anything else. It was too late however as Blade insisted you tell him what was going on, removing his earpiece to put away so no one else could possibly overhear what you were about to say. You remained adamant though, refusing to say a word, that was until Blade asked what Dr.Morbius was up to, what did he to you, as the Dhampir had already put everything together, he was a very smart and observant guy after all. You broke at his words and burst into tears, immediately wrapping your arms around Blade as you continued to cry and although you tried to stop and explain yourself, you found that you were unable to.  

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