The End Of Dark Wizardry Part 2, I love you

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Jaiden instantly woke up, jolted sitting up as he didn't feel the pain anymore. He remembered what Dumbledore told him. 'Use it. Use all of it.' He sighed and lay down, getting something from his trench coat pocket, pulling it out to reveal an engagement ring. 'Get back in One piece.' He remembered Draco's word, He put it back and slowly stood up, getting his wand. Harry looked at Jaiden, who probably just stood up before casting a spell on Lucius. 'You guys go, I'll handle Lucius myself.' Harry's eyes went wide. 'What? You're crazy?!' He said, shockingly before Jaiden sighed. 'Please... Go! I know what to do.' He said, holding Harry's shoulders and nodding. 'Get Weasley! The America Ministry Of Magic is right around the corner, get some backup and tell them my name. They know what to do.' He explained, Harry ran and grabbed Ron's hand, running away from the scene. 'Harry, What are you doing? We should help.' Harry ignored him and ran towards the Ministry.

Jaiden looked at Lucius, and the blonde man chuckled. 'Bravery... I can sense it from your Evans Blood, Snape.' Jaiden wiped the stain on his mouth. 'Kinda fucked up, isn't it? I got sorted into Slytherin.' He said. 'I'm a true Slytherin with a Gryffindor Value.' He added, pointing it to the male. 'Avada Kedavra!' Lucius said as Jaiden shouted. 'Experlliamus!' Jaiden suddenly teleported behind Lucius which made the blond shocked, Jaiden swished his wand towards him, knocking him out and the male walked towards Lucius. 'Surrender now...' Jaiden said, pointing his and to the male. Lucius growled. 'Never! Flipendo!' Jaiden deflected it as he grabbed the male's collar and threw him to the side and unarmed arm him with his wand from his hand. He then started hearing footsteps towards them, Lucius know it was the Auror Division of America. Jaiden sighed and looked back, seeing the Aurors. 'Jaiden!' Harry said, going towards Jaiden with Ron. The male stumbles towards them as Harry and Ron helped him stand up and they looked at the Dark wizard. 'Let's take him to the cruise.' Harry said. 'The Ministry booked us a cruise back to London.' Ron said. Harry helped Jaiden while Ron cuffed Lucius and back to the cruise they go.

Once they were back in London. They used Floo Powder to go to the Wizarding World and send Lucius Malfoy to a Trial. Harry and Jaiden were there for the trial, they just watched how Lucius' lawyer would defend him but in the end, Lucius lost and was sent back to Azkaban.

'It's over...' Harry said, looking at Jaiden. The male sighed and put his hands in his pockets, smiling. 'Yeah... You're right.' Jaiden said, pulling out the box. 'Ah... I see.' Harry smiled and gave him good luck.

'You should go back, Draco and Scorpius might be expecting you now. Especially, Draco... He must be worried for you.' He said. Jaiden ruffled his hair and smiled. 'Thanks, Brother.' He patted his back as Harry did the same.

'I'll be at the Hospital Wing.' He said. 'Send an owl to Draco for me.' He added, that Harry did what he was asked to as he send an owl to Draco, Jaiden's lover. Once Jaiden was in the hospital wing, he got aided there and rested there for at least an hour, getting some complete sleep.

Jaiden woke up to the sound of a worried person. 'Where is he? Please! Let me see him!' He knew it was Draco's, he was still wounded and hurting but he decided to see Draco whether his body liked it or not. Jaiden slid the door open and it reveal the others: Lyra, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco.

Hermione looked at Jaiden. 'Holy shit Jaiden... You're looking worse than Harry defeating Voldemort.' She said. Draco then ran to him, hugging him. 'God! You idiot! No letter a day ago or anything. I was worried sick.' Draco said, holding Jaiden's arms, his eyes were red. He knew that he was crying.

Draco kept on ranting as Jaiden just kissed him to make him shut up. 'Calm down, I did what you ask... Come back in One piece.' Draco started tearing up again and hugged him.

Jaiden grabbed the male's hand which made Draco's attention towards him. 'Follow me.' He whispered, dragging the male somewhere private.

It was the view of Hogwarts.

'Why did you bring me here?' Asked Draco. Jaiden chuckled and brought out something. 'I know it's pretty weird. Cause right after I got you yet again, I already wanted to do this since after our Hogwarts here. I'll come to find you, whenever you go.' Draco was confused, remembering the war at Hogwarts back. Jaiden searched for him everywhere until they found each other.

'So why here?' Asked Draco again. Jaiden pulled out something. 'I know this ring will come in handy.' Draco's eyes went wide as Jaiden opened the box and said those two words that Draco always wanted to hear.

'Marry Me, Draco.'

A year later. At Hogwarts Express, Scorpius met up with Albus. 'Scorpius! Can you believe it? We're now Half-cousins!' Albus said, excitedly. 'Yeah! I know right!' Scorpius answered. 'If anyone bullies you because of your fathers, I would murder them.' Albus said as Scorpius calmed him down. 'Scorpius!' Scorpius turned to see his fathers.

'Dad! Father!' He said, running towards them. 'Met up with your cousin?' Asked his father, Draco Snape-Malfoy.

Scorpius nodded and pushed his trolley meeting up with Albus' parents. 'Jaiden!' Harry said, calling his brother. 'You just became popular last year now you're more famous than me already, Head of Auror Ministry Of Magic, Jaiden Carl Malfoy-Snape. '

Jaiden looked at him, chuckling. 'Oh shut up...' He said, smiling. 'Lily, starting with your Hogwarts years?' Lily smiled at her uncle. 'Yes! I'm excited!' She said to him. 'Hey don't forget about us!' They all looked and saw Hermione and Ron, along with George and Lyra.

Lyra pounced on Draco, hugging him as she cried. 'My baby cousin is finally with the man of his dreams!' She said, Draco sighed. 'We're in public!' He scolded her and Lyra giggled, apologizing. 'Come on! The train will leave at exactly 11.' Jaiden said, pushing his sleeves as he looked at his watch. Albus went through the wall first then Harry and Ginny went with Lily, Lyra and George came next with their Triplets. 'Scorpius, ready/' Jaiden asked.

The little boy looked up and nodded. 'Yes, dad.'

With that, Jaiden and Draco entered the wall with him.

As the Train was already going with their children already going to Hogwarts. 'It's just like Back in the day.' Harry stated all of them agreed. Jaiden looked at them, using his Legilimency. He can picture himself and everyone, in their Hogwarts Uniform.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, George, and Ginny with Gryffindor

Lyra with Ravenclaw

Draco and himself with Slytherin.

Jaiden felt his hand was gripped, he looked and saw his husband, Draco holding it. 'You okay?' He asked, Jaiden sighed and smiled. 'I've never been okay like this in my life.' He said, pulling Draco toward him, wrapping an arm around his waist. 


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