The meeting

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Sofia's POV

I walk to my bathroom. "Hello, miss. Devil" I smirk as I admire my body.

I fix my hair and I walk out. I walk to my desk and open the first drawer to find my journal.

I open the latest page and I move to the next page.

Dear Sofia,

Today I killed one of the spies for the rival mafia. The vipers.

I am the devil. I got that name at the age of 15. I am the top mafia.

I watched as the man burned in flames. His screams were music to my ears.

I don't care that they have families. The mafia is a dangerous place.

If you decide to join the mafia. Think before joining. Because you will be murdered but no one will care.

- Sofia

I close my journal and I keep it back in the drawer. I hear a knock. " Come in!" I open a file on my table.

"Hello dear, We have guests that your father invited. Come to the dining hall. And please dress up"

My mother walks in.

"Hello, mother. I will come after I sign a few documents. I am already ready cause I had a meeting."

I look at my mother. She nods. " We will be waiting and no knifes." She walks out.


I walk downstairs to the dining hall. The maids open the door revealing a whole group of people.

" Ah, Sofia my daughter." My father stands up. All eyes were on me. A fact about me.

I hate attention although I run a mafia. I hate the cameras, pictures and all.

" Hello everyone, I am Sofia Damon."

I look at each of them. " We have all gathered here to finalist the marriage of My daughter and Theodore ."

He raises his glass of whiskey. A boy chokes on water. I guess that is the boy.

"What! I object!" The boy screams standing up.

" Same here! This is against me!" I scream looking at my father.

" Sofia you can do anything about it. We have the papers here now sign!" He brings out papers.

" And you boy come here!" The boy's mom pushes him ahead.

" No! You can just not make me marry a random boy!" I protest.

" Just sign it!" my dad pushes me towards the papers. I take out my finest knife.

" If I would sign I can kill you right here in front of everyone." I point it at my father's neck.

" I will sign it! God damn it" The boy screams signing the paper.

"Fuck it!" I walk to the papers and I sign them. " There! I signed it."

I threw the papers at my father's face. I walk out to my room.

I will not marry a random boy. I sit on my bed and lay down.

" This is bullshit right?" I hear a voice. I get up instantly.

" Oh, it's just You." I look down. " As much as I know we both don't want this. Maybe because we don't know each other?"

He sits next to me. " I don't care. Just go away." I get up and I walk to the window.

I hear footsteps and they get far and far away. I just want grandpa.

My eyes start to fill with tears. I miss my granddad. He was like the father I never had.

He used to treat me as his daughter and I loved him like a father. But his sudden death.

I cry my eyes out. I sit on the floor crying. I just want to forget everything and everyone.

I cry so much that I don't hear Theodore sitting next to me. I cry for a while. I fall asleep.

I lay my head on Theodore's shoulder. I don't think he mind cause I placed his head on mine.


Third Person's POV

They wake up by the water thrown at them. " Wake up love birds. " A little boy says.

"Huh!" Sofia looked around.

" Oh sorry." She gets up quickly and runs to her bathroom. 

Hello everyone! I am so thankful that you picked this book. I am a new writer. 

If you have an idea for the future chapters leave them in the chats. 

 Once again, Thank you so much. I love you all so much!

Love, Vaniya

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