Chapter 33- I Absolutely Resent You.

Start from the beginning

Where am I?
Why was I asleep for so long? There is something clawing away at the back of my mind, a bothersome question which before now had not occured to me, neither am I able to understand what exactly it is with piques my curiosity.

I see that I had been asleep previously on a flat and smooth surface with a glowing cyan-white bright light emitting from within it.

Then suddenly, the memories flood into my brain with such velocity that my head throbs- voices speak inside my mind, voices which do not belong to me, speaking over each other-

"Out where it's wetter! Out where it's better! This is Jabberwock Island!"

"I'm having all of you a killing game!"

"A body has been discovered!"



"Kehehe, for a mortal, you did quite well!"

"I'm in love with you."

"Do robots need sleep, Mechamaru?"

"Watch me, Miss Sonia!"

"Let's be strong...for Nagito's sake."

"We won't forget any of each other...let's promise now!"

I remember.
I remember all my friends.
I remember...I still remember...him.

What point is it in remembering now? I would have been better off forgetting. I'll live the rest of my lifetime in pain and suffering.

I get on my feet and step out of the door. A dark unsettling corridor leads me to the outside world. Looks like I've finally escaped. I managed to survive.
That was his last wishes.

I might have gotten away from Jabberwock Island, but I find myself on a different island. I am too exhausted to look for the others. Hopefully they've found themselves home.

The top of the coconut trees all around the shore is bathed with golden sunshine, water sparkles like fluid diamonds under a bright and clear sky. There's still fog around, so I would say it is now morning. I sit under a coconut tree, leaning my back against its worn out bark. I feel so small. Like a child. It feels like the all emptinesses of the world warp themselves around me, keeping me company but yet, rendering me lonely.
I don't have anything to lose anymore. A person who isn't scared as a loser and greedy as a winner, a person like that is someone who's really won this game.
I hear footsteps. They're slow and cautious. I don't turn around. A murderer, a thief, a friend... I'll accept any outcome with open arms.

A hand is placed on my shoulder. I make no move to turn my head. I barely notice their presence.

"Y/N." A voice speaks. It's a masculine, familiar voice.

He walks himself around me, seeing I won't turn around to face him myself. I see the speaker standing before me now. Tears pour down my cheeks and drop as small damp spots on my clothes. I feel bitter. I feel torn.
I'm tired.
I'm tired...
And here I thought I had escaped.

"Y/N!" The man falls to his knees, crouching low beside me, trembling as he reaches his hands for me. His voice shakes violently with emotion and dread. I recognise him, but only barely.
His carelessly handsome face is streaked with pain and sorrow. He embraces me so tightly that the wind gets knocked out of me, I let it out of my mouth with a 'oh!'

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