Chapter 1

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Ok Archontas looks like the photo up top.

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Archontas' POV.

I smiled to myself as I few over the tree tops. Feeling the wind going under my scales felt amazing each flight I took. 'This is the life.' I thought as I did a back flip in the air and continued on. I started to think over what my father had told me the day before. He said that I had finally reached the rightful age of 18 and I'd be going through a heat cycle within this year.

I sighed, I wasn't looking forward to it. Heat sucked if you did not have a mate to ease the discomfort. And if I start my heat, males would be all over me. I didn't like any of the free males in the clan. They only saw me as someone to carry their hatchlings. I sighed once more 'i better get back, father said there have been rogues out a lot around here.' I hovered in the air as I looked around at the thought.

I turned around and made my way back home. As she got closer she stopped in mid air as she could hear fighting. Her eyes widened as she saw her clan being attacked "Oh no." I quickly dove down as I saw a navy blue and orange dragon killing one of the warriors of the clan. I let out a loud screech as I rammed into his side. I was quick to land and run back to the dragon.

I was too late to save him as he had bled out. "Scrap" I looked back to see the dragon I rammed into get back up. "Shouldn't of done that sweetheart." He growled towards me as he hit his hammer like tail against the ground. I spread my wings out as I roared towards him, he just smirked at me.

I was confused before I was tackled to the ground from behind. My eyes widened as I struggle under the dragon holding me down. "Get off me!!" I snapped at them as the blue one came closer. I then felt a paw press down just behind my head, holding it in place. "I think Lord Megatron will be please with this one~ what do you think Breakdown?" I glanced up as best I could to see a bright red male on top of me.

I quickly turned my attention back to 'Breakdown' as he chuckled darkly. "Oh I think so too Knockout." I looked at them fearfully as I desperately tried to get out from the grasp. "Your coming with us sweetie~" I growled up at the red male as I swung my tail at his side the other was quick to hold my tail down.

"My scales! You'll pay for that." I heard him growl as I felt a wave a pain hit my side. I cried out in pain as I realized he was a electric dragon. He pulled his tail away as I went limp under him. I panted at the pain as my vision slowly darkened and I passed out.

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