Slowly, opening the card, there was a decent length letter inside it.


Waddup Baby.  I know I haven't texted you since the day we met.  I had gone over seas to see some of my friends over there.  Then when I got back, I had a bunch of projects, I needed to finish.  You probably have seen the songs that just came out.  It has taken a lot out of me.  I know it is just an excuse.. but I wanted to explain myself.  I am sorry.  Though after you read this, I will be texting you very soon... Shortie.

your wanna be corpse husband'

I started laughing at the signature.  I knew he had done that on purpose in case anybody had gotten nosey and started reading the stuff that was given to me.  I couldn't help but to roll my eyes tho.  He didn't have to go to this extent.  There was a simple solution to all this.  He could have just texted me and that would have been the end of that.

Though part of me was wondering how he found out lilies and sweet peas were my favorite flower, or maybe it wasn't coincidental at all.  For some reason, I glared at Ashley.  Did she somehow contacted him?  Or was it the opposite way around? He contacted her?  Though I could honestly say that it didn't matter.  My heart was pounding in my ears.  No man has ever gone out of his way to do something like this.

I touched the flowers gently lost in my own thoughts.  Ashley put a hand on my shoulder, smirking, "It is from the guy.  I kind of fibbed.  I already knew.  He reached out on instagram to ask me what kind of flowers you liked."  I couldn't believe it.  I wasn't wrong that someone had told him what my favorite flowers were.  "Kaylee... You are blushing by the way."

I giggled nervously, "I mean, wouldn't you if you had a guy go basically all out?  The only actual thing missing that would make this complete was if he had showed up."  The blush on my face really noticeable against my dark hair.  My best friend rubbed my back and helped me move the things out of the way so we could get to work.

A couple hours later, my phone had gone off.  I already knew who it was.  So before actually reading the text message, I saved his name under Wannabe CHusband <3.  I bit my lip nervously as I actually read the text message.

Wannabe CHusband <3
'Waddup baby. You like the gifts?'

'Yes.  Don't understand why you did something like that... but thank you.  I really loved it.'

Wannabe CHusband <3
'Princess, I did it cause I wanted too.  You at work? If so when you go on break you wanna ft me?'

My face turned bright red.  I was actually gonna be leaving soon, because I only came in for a few hours to get some extra time for my clinicals.  Did I wanna hear that voice?  Was I gonna be able to not fangirl at the sound of his voice?  My face was bright red.  Ashley looked at me questioningly.  I shook my head at her.

'Yes.  Call me in about 45 minutes.... <3'

I let out a breath of air that I didn't know that I had been holding in for so long.  My lungs felt like they were on fire after that.  Never have I ever had a boy in real life make me feel this way.  I knew it was nothing tho.  I could never have a real crush on a man, that could literally have any girl he wanted in the world.  Yet here he was messaging me and talking to me.  I think that man needs some mental help..

About forty-five minutes later, I was getting a face time call from Corpse.  Thank god I was in my car when he called or I would have been running out the front door of the hospital so I could take this call without the prying eyes of all the other girls.  For a minute though, I hesitated to pick up the call at all.  I slide the little bar at the bottom to answer the face time video call.

That was when I saw him.  I bit my lip nervously and smiled at him.  His hair was a little longer and a curly mess.  From what I could tell he was still laying in bed.  "Hey baby girl." he said in his deep voice.  I felt myself get the goosebumps as I began to blush as well.  My eyes shifted away from the screen.  He chuckled at me, "How was work?"

I shrugged softly.  Part of me was worried that he was in bed still because his pain but I didn't wanna pester him and ask.  "Well you see... this guy?  He sent me my favorite flowers... somehow managed to find them in black?  A heart balloon that was black as well.  Oh, and can't forget the chocolates and the notes.  Which you know for someone who doesn't wanna be found out, sure put a line on the card with the flowers, that could be taken as the one and only faceless youtuber that everyone around the world is obsessed with." I giggled softly and smiled softly looking back at the screen at him.

He rubbed his eye a little bit, and then ran a hand through his hair.  "Oh damn.  That man must be smooth.  He must have been apologizing for screwing something up... " he said the last part softly, "Did... it at least work?"  He looked at me kind of nervous.  The shit this man was making me feel at this very moment, god, I hated it.

I pretended to think about it, "Hmmm.... I think it did.  Especially since he could of blown the secret of who he was when he messaged my friend to ask what my favorite flowers were."  I rolled my eyes thinking about that.  Still couldn't believe he actually went that far to find out.  He chuckled softly.

My apple watch vibrates against my left wrist.  I frown and check what it was.  It was a text from Ashley. 'Talking to lover boy in your car?' I rolled my eyes.  She really knew me to well.  I didn't respond to her text message.  The screen went back to my wallpaper.  It was the picture of Corpse and I... with his hand around my throat.  I sighed softly.

He looked at me kind of worried.  "You okay?  Did something happen?"  He frowned at me, "When was the last time that you slept?  When I ask slept, I mean for more then two or three hours?"  I blushed again and shrugged.  To be honest, I couldn't remember the last time that I actually had a good sleep.  I've been kind of running myself into the ground between work and school.  Though, I was going to ask how he knew, but Ashley probably couldn't keep her mouth shut knowing her.

I started to play with a strand of my hair nervously.  "I uhh... Can't remember when the last time I actually slept was..." I whispered softly, trying to avoid looking him in the eye knowing that he was probably either going to get more worried or angry with me.  I hated making people angry with me.  No matter what I did I usually seemed to piss someone off.   That was kind of the reason that I was never home to begin with.

"Kaylee...  How about this?" his voice said softly, as he ran a hand through his hair.  His dark eyes piercing my own dark eyes.  "Go home...  get in bed.. and face time.  We can take a nap together."  A blush crawled its way back to my face.  I didn't know what to respond to him saying that we could take  a nap together.  Fidgeting in my car seat a bit, the real question was, would my mother be home to harass me? Or would she be out for the day?

"Okay... Corpse." my voice said barely above a whisper to the handsome man on the phone.  The panic was starting to set in as I realized that I was actually gonna take a nap with this man on face time.  I put him on my phone holder and put my key into the ignition of my car.  The corners of his lips turned upward into a smile.  In response to his smile, I couldn't help smiling at this man.



Well that is the end of this chapter.  Sorry that took me a minute to update.  I have had life things going on!  But ya'll enjoy this awkward piece of work!

Anyways, have a nerdtastic day or night! Stay awesome <3

His Personal Nurse /Corpse Husband x Reader/OC/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt