🦁Long live the king🦁

Start from the beginning

Grim:" (y/n)!" Said grim happy and coconut jumped from deuce's arms towards me I caught him and held him close.

You:" I leave for not even 10 minutes and you're already causing trouble?" I slightly glared at the three who immediately put their hands up in defence.

Ace:" what! We didn't do anything, not this time"

Grim:" their the one who approached us!"

Deuce:" we were just doing what we came here for" they spat out their excuses while one of the half's got closer to me and leaned down.

Savanaclaw resident A:" Huh? And who are you?" He said quite aggressively as I walked over and stood in front of my team.

You:" I don't think it matters right now what matters is what exactly did my team do for you to gang up at them like that?"

Savanaclaw resident B:" they trespass on our territory" I raised an eyebrow at what he said, so that's what they're mad about? I swear the students here get mad on the smallest thing.

You:" Will I apologise on behalf of them I wanted them to show me all of the school so I won't get lost again" I said one of them got extremely close to my neck and took a big sniff I quickly leaned away.

Savanaclaw resident C:" it is! It's that new student that doesn't have magic" he said out loud and him and his buddies started bawling out of laughter clutching their stomachs I rolled my eyes at their idiotic way my group glared at them.

???:" Enough. Move" a deep voice said from behind them they stopped laughing and quickly moved aside making the whoever spoke be revealed he's been hiding behind them listening.

It's that stupid lion and his hyena beside him with both his arms behind his head when we locked eyes the lion eyebrows slightly narrowed while the hyena's widened he grabbed the lion arms and pointed at me.

???:" see Leona? That's him from the cafeteria I told you that cat and monkey looked familiar" he said the lion scoffed and pulled his arm off of his hold and went back staring at me.

You:" you're that sandwich taker" I said and his ears dropped.

Ruggie:" seriously? First that cat calls me That deluxe minchi Katsu sandwich then you call me sandwich taker? Don't go around giving people delicious sounding names and I have a very manly name. Ruggie Bucchi, y'know"

Leona:" your that herbivore that stepped on my tail in the botanical garden" he glared at me while I looked quite bored the half's turned their heads to me glaring and growling.

Savanaclaw resident A:" whaaAat!? Dorm head Leona's tail?" He took a step forward.

Savanaclaw resident B:" No forgiven that" he also took a step closer.

You:" you're still on about that? It happened a day or two before, your tail looks to be fine and I already apologised" I said and they looked to be even more mad.

Savanaclaw resident A:" wouldn't need police if "sorry" fixed everything"

Ruggie:" oh yeah, I was wondering where I saw you, it was in the botanical garden" he smiled at me not bothered by the murderous glares aiming at me.

A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland x a Naruto reader) Where stories live. Discover now