1. Lover's tiff

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"What have you decided?" I was brought back from my day dream by Mild's annoying questioning.

"Huh??" I gave him a blank look.

We were chilling out in the university cafeteria. We had just finished our examination and our last paper was two days from now.

"Beach house trip Gulf. Are you coming or not?" Mild asked me again with a boring look

"about that.. Let me me think about it." I said picking up my bag to leave for home, ignoring cursing Mild.

I was exhausted. I dint get any sleep last night. No it was not because of exams but because I am having a fight with my lover.
We both love each other a lot but I am not ready yet to tell the world that I love him.

My lover is a 'he'.

I am in a same sex relationship since 2 years but I am not ready to come out to the world yet.
Recently, me not declaring my relationship status is the only reason for all of our fights. Its not that I am not committed to him. I love him. wholeheartedly.
However I am apprehensive about how my friends would react to the news. What if they are not ok with me being gay.
Most importantly will mom and dad accept me. Accept us.
I laid on my bed thinking about my relationship when my phone on the side table blinked.

It said, 'New message : Baby'

With a deep sigh I picked up my phone and read the message.

Baby: Have you decided yet?
Me: Not yet
Baby: Why is it so hard for you to choose me over your friends?
Me: we have already discussed this. I cant explain to everyone why I would spend my weekend with an acquaintance.
Baby: Don't you miss me at all. Its been 3 weeks!
Me: I know. But I promise I will make time for you soon
Baby: whatever 😒
Me: pls don't be like this. Let me go with my friends this time.

Me: there?

Me: baby...

"damn!!" I threw my phone on the bed in frustration.

Finally, exams are over. I took my bag and walked out with a friend discussing the questions

Just as I left the exam hall, Mild came running and jumped on me with excitement. I got pushed and stumbled onto another person.

Cold and mean eyes greeted me.

"Sorry I didn't...", I stopped half way. The look that he gave me could kill me instantly.

"WHAT THE HELL! ARE YOU BLIND?" he howled at me. All the students stopped and stared at us.

I felt humiliated. My eyes glistened with tears threatening to fall down.
I didn't know what to do. Embarrassed, I lowered my eyes and apologized again.

I could feel his eyes still glaring at me.
He walked past me without saying another word but I could see his face,  red with anger

I blinked my eyes several time to keep my tears from falling

"What are u guys looking at?" Mild shooed away the crowd that had gathered around me.
"Are you ok?" Mild worriedly asked.

I nodded.

"It's ok if u don't want to come for the trip. I look too tire..."

"I am coming for the beach trip" I cut him in the middle of the sentence
I had already made up my mind.
" pick me up tomorrow morning " I said and left Mild in the hallway.

I packed my bag for two day trip to the beach house
I looked at my phone hoping for a message or a call but nothing.

"And he claims that he loves me!! Where is he I need him to comfort me?" I was whining to myself

"Shall I call him and apologise?" I thought aloud

If he can be a stubborn ass, so can I
Even if it has been 3 weeks since we saw each other
Even if I miss him to death
Even if I want to be in his warm embrace desperately

I. Will. Not. Call.Him.First.
I said to myself with determination.

Hi Everyone,

Hope you like the first chapter.

Pls give your Love and Support :)

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