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forty five :

" Kisaki-kun I don't
make threats, I only
make warnings. "



Yuzuha's eyes widened. She looked directly at the eight years old (name) who was giving her a bright smile. Tears can be seen on the corner of Yuzuha's eyes as she smiled and nodded her head.




He knocked me out."

(Name) blankly said, referring to her dear cousin by the time she opened her eyes. She sat up straight as she wiped the drool on the corner of her lips. She then looked at the bunch of books in front of her before she clicked her tongue.

By the time she was fully awaked, she looked at the wall clock before she sighed. 5 hours of sleep eh? Well, it's better than nothing.

'But I just wonder, why the heck I dreamed of Yuzuha?' she thought, standing up from her seat. She then fixed up her study table by the time her phone suddenly rang. Her lips curved onto a mischievous grin after seeing a familiar name flashed onto her phone.

'It's been a while,' she thought. It's been a long time since she last attended their meeting wearing the Toman's uniform.

But it's just quite annoying since (name) already knew what they'll gonna talk about. "Good grief." She stretched her arms as she smiled.

"I guess I need to meet Yuzuha first."


"Oh! good morning, (name)!"

For some reason, (name) felt as if Fuyumi's voice were oddly viscous. Is it because she pull an overnighter just to finish the school works that her teacher gave? Or is it because she didn't eat dinner last night?

"Auntie, it was afternoon." (Name) awkwardly said but Fuyumi scoffed. Oh my. Who opened the Aircon and why does their surroundings become too cold?

"I know that." Fuyumi smiles, taking out something on it which made (name) flinch. "Now, (name)-chan! Open your mouth."

She requested which (name) immediately obeyed. She can't say no to Fuyumi. This is one of the similarities that she, Keisuke, and Tooru had. Because on the Baji Household, Fuyumi is their commander.

"This is... vanilla candy?" (Name) asked chewing the candy that Fuyumi put onto her mouth. A small blush can be seen on (name)'s face, her eyes were sparkling making Fuyumi to smile. 'This kid really likes sweet things.'

"Don't push yourself too much, (name)," Fuyumi said with a soft tone. "A kid needs to play around rather than drowning themselves in their studies, y'know?"

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