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twenty seven :

" Who cares about the stupid promise that you made with a dead person?!!?! "




"Fortunately, I'm still sane.." you answered as you punched the guy in front of you. Seeing how he struggle made you grin before you kick him directly on his guts. You snickered as you watched how he slowly lost his consciousness. "Hey, are they some sort of zombie?" You asked as you stood up and dusted off your clothes.

"Sort of, but- damn. There's too many of them!" Draken said slightly clicking his tongue. "We're already at a disadvantage with Toman's 150 versus Valhalla 300. They're also older and stronger than us!" Mitsuya's face crumpled because of frustration.

"Even if we, captains can handle them. The guys below us can't!" Mitsuya added causing you to chuckle. It's rare to see that expression on Mitsuya's face. "STOP! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"

Draken looked at the member of Toman who suddenly fall next to him. "SHUT UP AND DIE!" the member of Valhalla shouted as he charged towards the boy. But before he could even attack the boy- Draken immediately punched him causing him to flew because of impact.

You whistled slightly clapping your hands. "Nice punch, Ken-kun!" You cheered but Draken chose to ignore you causing your lips to twitch. Boomer!

"Get a hold of yourself..." Draken said looking at the boy next to him. "You can't win if you start panicking!" He added as the boy panted.

"Wish we could do a damn thing about it but! We are not strong like you, (name)-san and Mikey are!" He exclaims causing you to point on yourself. Why did you get involve with that? "I'm sorry.." the boy apologized.

"I'll protect you, guys!" Draken exclaimed causing Hanma to laugh. For some reasons you forgot that Hanma is part of Valhalla, man. "WHAT'S THE MATTER, DRAKEN?! (NAME)?! COME AND GET ME ALREADY!"

You waved your hand after hearing his statement. "Sorry but you're not the one I am looking for.." you don't remember saying your name to him, so how did he know your name?


"I can't do this anymore!"


"Oh, this is bad." You commented hearing those comments from the guys behind you. They're starting to lose hope- "Shit, we're losing morale!" Draken frowned.

You watched how the bunches of dudes from Valhalla approached you two. You mused as you looked at Draken, "Ken-kun, you're quite popular."

"This is not the time to joke, idiot." Draken uttered causing you to chuckle. But you two stopped after hearing a shout- you looked at the source of that shout. It was Takemichi.

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