On Your Period-

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Gilbert Blythe- You can get quite MOODY on your period. You tend to get snarky, irritated and lash out. Gilbert can tell what's going on because you're usually not like that so he'll make sure you're okay and give you whatever it is you need to make you feel better.

Jerry Baynard- You're mainly emotional on your period because it hurts like a bitch. Jerry doesn't like it when you're hurt so when you're on your period, he'll cuddle you, give you a heating pad/hot water bottle/rag (Whatever the fuck they used back in the 18th century) and rub your stomach to soothe the pain.

Moody Spurgeon- OH boy can you be even MORE of a bitch than usual. Obviously you're personality is MUCH different then of the other girls but when it's that time of the month, literally everyone stays clear of you due to how bitchy you are...Moody doesn't really like it but he knows you're in pain, so he'll do whatever he can to make you feel better.

Charlie Sloane- You're EXTRA lazy when you're on your period. You don't even go to school that week and you literally don't leave your bed. Charlie worries so he'll come over and when he finds out, he'll bring you snacks and something warm to drink and cuddle you until you fall asleep.

Cole Mackenzie- You get extremely hungry when it's that time of the month. You usually don't go to school when you're on your period and you'll just grab as much snacks as you can and lay in your room. Cole gets worried when you don't show up for school, so he'll come over to find food just everywhere. Obviously something is up so you tell him and he'll do what he can to make sure you're okay.

Sebastian Lacroix- You don't really act different asides the few winces in pain you'll make, but you're mature enough to handle it but Sebastian still loves to hug/hold you to make sure you're okay which you love.


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