Favorite Thing About Each Other-

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Gilbert Blythe-

He loves how different you are. Being related to Anne, he loves how you're nothing like her...sure, you're not that great at hiding your trauma like she is but he loves that you're honest and share your feelings.

You love how generous and protective he is. Whenever you're in trouble, sad, struggling or anything he protects you no matter what and always makes you feel better. Not to mention he's just crazy kind to literally everyone.

Jerry Baynard-

You love his accent and his smile...seriously do I need to say more?

He also loves when you speak French and adores your eyes and personality. You can always make him smile and laugh and he can stare into your eyes for hours.

Moody Spurgeon-

He also loves how different you are and how independent you can be and just loves when you smile and laugh.

You love how goofy and talented he is. He never ceases to make you smile and laugh not to mention his Banjo playing skills are incredible.

Charlie Sloane-

He loves how clumsy you are...not in like the ways when you get yourself hurt but just the times you trip over nothing or fall onto him...he loves that you're yourself.

You love how he doesn't judge you for being clumsy...you're the most clumsiest person alive and you feel like you have to apologize anytime something happens, but Charlie says you don't have to apologize and you love that he doesn't tease you nor judge you like your brother does.

Cole Mackenzie-

He loves that you can make him happy and laugh. He adores your sense of humor.

You love how kind and artistic he is. He always makes sure that you're okay and his drawing skills are to die for. Not to mention you love how shy he can be.

Sebastian Lacroix-

He loves that you love him honestly. It's not easy dating in the 80s but he loves how strong and wise you are.

You love how compassionate and funny he is. He treats you like a goddamn princess and makes you smile and laugh all the time and you just absolutely love it.

(I hope you enjoy! Going to be updating some preferences so enjoy the spam! It's almost 7am and since I got fired from my job not too long ago I have a lot of time on my hands so...yea. Enjoy!)

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